Sanders and Warren issue joint statement slamming Trump's new finance industry alligator for his private DC swamp

I don’t think cognitive dissonance fully encompasses the new mindset required to hold all that bullshit together. It’s more like eXtreme cognitive dissonance, always with a capital X.


I dunno - I think the “details” of who is appointed to do what under Tump are just that to most of his supporters: details.

The vast majority of people look at an individual like Trump and assume that he’s the one that will do it for them (or not as the case may be). HOW he does that is up to him (they think). Most Trumpites probably aren’t even looking at post-election news any more. They’re just thinking “OK. The God Emperor’s in. He’s on our side. Now we just wait and most of our troubles will go away.”


At this point I think guys like Sessions or Brannon are there to serve the same purpose as President elect Shitstains tweets about flag burning: To distract. In this case, distract from the fact that he’s trying to fill the government up with the same people who drove the global economy into a wall in the aughts


eXtreme 2 the maX!


…that’s what their joint statement is pointing out. “The fact that he’s trying to fill the government up with the same people who drove the global economy into a wall” is exactly what their statement is about.

How can you possibly claim that talking about it is an effort to “distract” from it?


I guess, because, whatever they say will be ignored by most Americans. :wink:

The common person have the remedy to this, but never use it. A rich person’s money only does them any good for so long as people are willing to be bought with it. Once “your money isn’t good here”, they are in the same boat as anybody else.

I didn’t reference their statement. It was a musing on the current state of the huge repulsiveness of his nominees. Hope that clears that up.

Yikes, apologies! I totally misread your original message. Entirely my fault.



Proves Trump isn’t a politician. A true politician would have saved this for when he was up for reelection.

And neither have most democrats. Which is why they lost the election sadly.

Know your enemy and take him seriously!

The comments on Breitbart are ridiculous, but the fact they exist tells you there are problems for the people writing them which need to be taken care of.

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The real punch line here is that conservatives are cheering this while they criticized Obama for saving jobs when he brokered the deal that kept General Motors from completely going under.

It’s not the jobs that matter, it whether there were tax breaks or not.


Republicans ALWAYS claim to hate their candidates, most claim to be “independents” or “centrists” but they HATE the left and take on corruption gleefully and with no remorse.

The Party of Personal Responsiblity are unable to take responsibility for their actions always and ever.

Everything they try to pawn off on the left is what they practice and endorse.


Brannon, like a good magician’s assistant. Always drawing the eye away from the slight of hand…


Thanks for not trying to turn what I wrote into a paper tiger to be slain.

In the immortal words of Ron White, you can’t fix stupid. I’m sorry, but those comments were beyond a level of ignorance that can be addressed by having a rational discussion with the people who made them.

Very familiar. There’s a lot of older [40yo +] Hillary primary voters that to this day, despite overwhelming evidence, still aren’t convinced their candidate was the weaker, Wall Street representative against Trump compared to a progressive like Bernie who better represents average Americans in a general election.

These kind of fools will repeat their mistake and be scammed yet again by DNC con artists who will lose to Trump again in 2020 by regurgitating the same Wall Street representatives inside the Democratic Party.

The fantastic thing for the DNC con artists is they’re wealthy and they win no matter who is in office as long as real progressives stay out of office and keep their taxation abated.

I wonder what the average age of Boing Boing users who voted against Bernie Sanders are right now? Seems to be about 40yo+ on average, but I’m just guessing.

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I think we’re seeing a revolt against Clinton’s Third Way ideology as far as rank-and-file Dems are concerned. Sanders got about 40% of the vote in the primaries, but as the Boomers (approx. age 55+) lose their demographic power messages like his are going to gain ground with Millenials and with Gen Xers like myself.


Fine, I’m on board; we just need to convince seven billion other people now.

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I once jokingly said that…