Sanders campaign accused of "trademark bullying"

My point is that @Bozobub’s simplistic claims are false. When he said “Blah, blah. Period” he was wrong.

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What, by themselves? They must’ve been busy.

Hey, @jlw is just trying to educate us here.

This big, bad trademark bullying is much more important than Hillary Clinton taking teeny, weeny bribes from the poor, little defense industry. I’m sure Hillary won’t let them splatter the brains of children all over the place for profits in the future. Hillary has assured us that bribes mean nothing to her and we’re all idiots to think otherwise.

What could possibly go wrong with a Hillary Clinton administration?


Lol that someone could imply a deficit in the Sanders campaign’s integrity for this. Hillary’s COUNTLESS bribes, hawkish votes, vote fraud and collusion with the Dem party, and complete and utter amoral character just pales in comparison.


Oh - I NEED guns that shoot money. That would be, like, awesome.

And welcome back.


Actually, If I saw the picture on that t-shirt out of context, I’m not sure I’d recognize it as Bernie Sanders.

It would be delicious if the picture turned out to be of a guy named Bernie Cowznofski from Pittsburgh, who DID authorize his image on the shirt.

If you want to discourage someone from doing something, using the law, the best approach is to use the most unarguable case you have. Trade mark law is more straightforward (usually) than getting into the swamp that is the First Amendment. It’s like the police following around suspected burglars hoping they will run a red light to avoid arguments about “unreasonable searches”.

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I know it’s a rhetorical question expecting the answer “a lot”, but let me just add

“lots of dead people in the Middle East”.


Not even close to a pot/kettle situation. Sander’s campaign used the Amrican Legion logo while referencing the VFW org. They have similar logos, similar memberships & evoke similarly. Someone fucked up.

The Legion complained, and the Sanders campaign apologized and took action to correct.

That’s a far cry from deliberately copying another’s logo and using it.


Not in some countries though.

The Clinton Foundation has dropped its self-imposed ban on collecting funds from foreign governments and is winning contributions at an accelerating rate, raising ethical questions as Hillary Clinton ramps up her expected bid for the presidency.

Recent donors include the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Australia, Germany and a Canadian government agency promoting the Keystone XL pipeline.

(article from 2015 - rest of article behind paywall)


Clinton & Harper, birds of a feather

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And, unfortunately, parody is dead.

I’m not sure how I feel about the T-shirt to be honest, but if the legal argument hinges on whether regular people could honestly believe that is an official Bernie Sanders campaign T-shirt, I think it would be absurd to suggest it couldn’t.

This was a real thing you could buy on the official Ted Cruz store (it doesn’t appear to be there anymore, but real news agencies linked to the page on the store where it was for sale in September):

Could real, ordinary Americans think Sanders thinks Stalin and Mao were swell guys? Yes.


Could you load an unchoked shotgun with pennies, or would you just blow up your own face?

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Would it work as though they were rings?

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If not for the creators response, there would have been a good chance of me ordering one. I love Bernie, I even voted for him, but I also love Russian history and Communist ephemera and kitsch.

This is rather dumb though, turning your own lack of understanding of copyright law into a political issue.

Also, why would you be against someone’s “candidacy”? I hate Trump with a fiery passion, but I also think he has every right to try to run for president. This doesn’t mean I support him, but I do support everyone’s right to engage in the democratic process.


Pennies won’t fit. A 12 gauge is .72" IIRC in diameter, and a penny is .75. It would work in a 10 gauge.

But I’ve heard of people using dimes, yes. As long as it can make it out the bore you could probably load it with anything. But they are crap projectiles. They have no aerodynamics. I can only think they would work shooting werewolves in the face and that’s it (assuming you use old school silver dimes).


I hope you didn’t hurt your back, with that contorted reasoning. They both used a logo without permission for the purpose of monetary gain.

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How like a bully, being polite and everything!


Ah but the devil is in the details, no? Don’t let those messy nuances distract you from completely ignoring what ACTUALLY happened, though, as you totally found a single similarity there.


It’s almost as if he isn’t a real American. :hushed: