Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/01/29/saturday-night-live-perfectly-satirizes-stanley-cup-fever.html
Who’s the woman in the middle who isn’t at all good at this?
Dakota Johnson, the host.
Was that funny, maybe it just did not cross the Atlantic, we dont have big cups, but then water is every where and we are not driving for 4 hours each way to work.
About 3 minutes too long to be perfect.
Clearly you’ve missed the big dumb Stanley cup rage that’s been taking USians by storm (and generating much comment and ridicule). It may be the latest Beanie Baby or Dutch Tulip craze, over there.
Neither are the majority of workers in the US.
As stupid as it sounds, the US took to bottled water hard. Promotion of stainless steel tumblers is part of the strategy to ween people off pre-bottled water in “disposable” plastic containers. Potable water is among the top 5 most regulated things in the US, there’s no rational reason (unless you live in Flint, MI or Jackson, MS) that people shouldn’t be drinking straight from the tap. The US does love a fad, though, thus the newest fad surrounding this one brand of bottle/mug.
That’s nuts 16k on cups…
The US seems to be above the EU average for bottled water, but behind a lot of places: Italy, Germany, France, Spain, Portugal, Belgium… (I was curious, since it seems more common to drink bottled water over here than I remember from the US/Canada).
But I agree about tap water (though I filter mine for taste and to stop from having to descale my coffee maker and kettle constantly).
I hear you on filtering. We use an RO filter for cooking and coffee, carbon filter in the fridge for drinking water and ice.
Disappointing that pre-bottled water is still very much a thing in Europe.
I pay no attention to sportsball, nor puckball for that matter, yet Stanley Cup Fever around here only means the Red Wings aren’t shit in a given year.
Lead is used to seal the vacuum-insulated part of the cup, but doesn’t come into contact with anything exterior to the cup (or fluids in the cup) as long as it isn’t damaged.
Great. Toxic waste when this fad is over and people dump their stuff.
Still not good; even if it’s not harmful for the people currently drinking out of them, it’s bad for the environment.
Totally. There’s really nothing redeeming about this fad.
if the red wings never again raise Lord Stanley’s Cup, i will be pleased! (apologies, @anon94804983 , i just can’t get behind that sportspuck squad).
side note (to the topic):
was at the ophthalmologist office today. the receptionist person had one of these Stanley cups on her desk. it was pink. i would have rolled my eyes, but they were dilated and that would have been irritating.
what happened to the craze over the similar Yeti cup? seems that used to be a redneck thing of pride.
puts it
" The viral version of the Stanley cup is the 40-ounce model, likely because drinking two of them almost equals the suggested daily water intake for women, taking the guesswork out of drinking enough water each day. "
“Drinking enough water” is one of the rites of the cult of hydration.