Saudi police finally captured the woman who wore a miniskirt in online video

Well, apparently the Saudis have used and continue to use their oil money to found and fund anti-American, anti-Christian, and anti-modern institutions throughout Indonesia, Malyasia and Africa.They’ve reportedly spent more than a billion dollars to export their somewhat heretic brand of Sunni Islam worldwide. Since 9/11 most such institutions have de-emphasized their formerly explicit support of violent jihad - it’s more of a wink-wink nod-nod affair now - but nonetheless it seems that the House of Saud uses income from the USA to fund institutions and organizations that openly propagandize against the United States.


Is that the government, or private Saudis? Because yes, I know many private Saudis are doing things like that. Then again, with a monarchy the line between government and private gets blurred.

Still, we have more to lose by making them full fledged enemies or treating them like Iran, and I don’t just mean with oil. If we were on Facebook, the relationship status would be, “It’s complicated”.

Read this as “great band name” because what you wrote makes my mom brain hurt.

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As I understand it (and keep in mind, my personal relationship with Saudi Arabia is limited to helping Ronald Reagan give them nuclear delivery options, so I’m not any sort of authority!) the government is private Saudis, since it’s one of the few real monarchies left.

But the articles I linked say that the government, the religious establishment, and many individual Saudis have been working together for decades now to undermine the interests of the USA and spread intolerant Wahhabi Islamicism.


On the other hand, instead of 600 years behind us, they’re only about 100 behind now.

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