School apologizes after parents complain that "Santa Goes Green" Christmas concert was anti-oil

But they love brutal theocratic regimes.

and the US has held the top oil producer spot for the past 6 years.

You’re overall right but this is in Saskatchewan, Canada not the U.S. and it seems their issues are more local/regional than oil-in-general.

But yean, these people are not smart. They put their eggs in one basket, the local oil company, and are mad that that one-very-specific-basket isn’t the endless teat they blindly bought into - so they lash out at reality.


Thought the same thing;
-staying positive- I thought: The irony of people in their town getting their panties in a twist because the reality of climate change is just really inconvenient for them right here, right now, won’t be lost on those kids, since that’s what the bloody play was ABOUT.


That school should complain to those parents about them being anti-life. Their insistence on oil means the future of those kids contains war, poverty and death and very little else.


Unfortunately, the place this school is located would say - YES, let’s drill the oil here so we don’t need to buy it from Saudi Arabia! “Ethical Oil” is the phrase, IIRC.


Unfortunately it has become a National issue. The oil loving Conservatives received the most votes in our recent election while the window-dressing Liberals were reduced to a minority situation - though they have the most seats. This has led to politicians in Alberta and Saskatchewan holding the rest of the country hostage with threats to separate (we even have a Wexit party now - fun times!). The rest of Canada will soon be subsidizing Alberta and Saskatchewan’s addiction to oil.


Yeah, well, the right time for that message was 20-30 years ago, and that isn’t available to us. The next best time is right now.


The school had received complaints from members of the oil industry about previous productions of the 2,000 year old story which failed to include the importance of pipelines, fracking, and in-situ bitumen extraction.
“Unlike Jesus, the barrel of crude oil did not come from the Middle East,” said an apologetic-sounding school board representative. “Our saviour is Western Canadian Select and the only way to be saved is to consume, consume, and consume.”
The pro-oil production created by Mrs. Harlow’s grade 3 class features a drum full of hydrocarbons symbolizing the birth of the great messiah responsible for fueling cars, trucks, and humanity’s demise.
Some further changes in the characters were made to appease local audiences to avoid the perception that the play was somehow political:
The Three Wisemen who brought frankincense, myrrh, and gold have been replaced by oil lobbyists bringing political donations, attack ads, and fine Cuban cigars while shepherds who came to admire Christ have been replaced by corporate CEOs and executives who want to sell the prophet for profit.
“I play a politician,” said a proud 8-year-old dressed as a sheep.


Clearly the music teacher is a filthy commie libtard.

So what if their industry is causing climate change that will threaten our species? I mean, one would think that long term profits would be threatened as well, but who gives a rat’s ass as long as we can suckle at the teat of the industry that is causing this. Amirite?

But here’s the fun catch. People are going to need energy/an energy industry regardless, which means there’ll be jobs. It’s just stupidity and fear all around.


So it was not the right time/season for this message, according to one parent, eh?

Why didn’t anyone ask that fuckwit when the right time/season was? The performance could just be rescheduled, so that the message would be timely.

Fuckwits gonna fuckwit.


Reality is so political these days.

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I hope that the next year the school will return to the true Christmas spirit, explainin that Santa Claus is dead, and the remains are split between Venice and Bari. The christmas as the name says is tho celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, born in a manger heated by an ox and an ass. It’s not an holiday to buy things in the mall and overeat unheathy things.

Besides I think that a big part of going green is to reduce the quantity of goods bought and try to reuse and recycle things. Please stop to run like a mad cheetah in the aisles of supermarket and think of poor people that are living on th roads.

Maybe having big trades and having need to use more fuel seems a good idea to make money, but if you spend the extra money to buy useless things or worse unheathy things, isn’t a good idea, is it?

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The problem here is it wasn’t political enough. The concert organizers missed a real opportunity for education here with a bunch of oil workers trapped in their seats unable to leave without also walking out on their children. It would have been the perfect time for the elves to demand that Santa provide retraining assistance to help them move towards prosperous high skill jobs in the green economy.


It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.” - Upton Sinclair


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