School struggles to explain Nazi flag hanging in window

Appropriate for Maryland. Just hope there are no mallets…


I don’t want to be mean but if we’re going to show the Nazi flag, I want then photos from the survivors of the concentration camps blown up to full size so people get an idea of the horror that flag’s bearers brought to this world. I want them to see the naked horror of such evil rather than trying to dress it up with abstract words.


giphy (79)|nullxnull


Unless the intent was to have some surviving WWII vets come and destroy it as a symbolic act of catharsis, neither can I.


I don’t like yellow as a color, and with the mixed optics of the flag now, I prefer the old Navy Jack.


the things that make one’s story unique enough to publish often are what out you.

one of the things i’ve worked on is entitlement. i realize there is no correlation between me doing good deeds and having good things happen. but unfortunately, i’ve had my kindness abused and my trust broken so many times, i can’t, for both emotional and financial reasons, take any more risks in the short term.

i post from behind a vpn. i vote. i give money to candidates and charities. i realize though that the value i bring, whether it’s at a for or non profit, is my labor, and that no matter how much i work on my attitude and actions, at the end of the day i have treatment resistant depression + a host of other maladies that make me Not Useful, and no one likes that.

i’ve accepted that people only interact with me when i bring them value, so i try to do that as much as possible so no one gets mad at me


…“you can proudly fly from your front porch or trailer.”

People who live in trailers or have front porches are apparently more likely to be Nazis? People who indulge in stupid stereotypes are more likely to live in condo blocks?


Can’t even get the flag posted correctly. As every budding nazi knows if the arms had rockets coming out of them the symbol should spin Counterclockwise. This one will spin clockwise and were it not for the other colors would be an ancient Indian good luck symbol. Don’t think that’s what they intended.

and in India.



Wherever they got this, they should send it back for a refund because the swastika obviously goes the wrong way round.

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