Britain is trying for V for Vendetta
One thing I loved about 12 Monkeys is that Brad Pitt got it right, I’ve spent a nice little summer vacation in the Texas State Hospital (loony bin) and he does not miss a beat. I’ve met his character’s equivalent. More than once.
I always saw Soylent Green as taking place at the start of the total collapse. Conventional food sources were running out so those in charge turned to encouraging suicides and making food of the dead to keep things going just a little bit longer.
1984 clear miss
Brazil - ?
Avatar - 2154
Roughly 15 years after “Hard Brexit”, give or take.
That is what I was thinking! 2020, months before the inauguration of Tokyo’s Olympic games is the time. RIGHT NOW.
I am vexed, for sure.
Awesome find
Couldn’t find one, so I made one. EZGIF is really nice… The tricky bit was to squeeze it below 4MB without it getting too small or to grainy.
EZGIF is brilliant, but this may also come in handy.
Yes, especially as they have a very large pool of stock pics and templates. Quick & easy. The downside is that everything you generate is watermarked, and quite often so that removing by cropping isn’t an option.
Spoiler Alert: It’s PEOPLE !
Here’s a random IMDB list of apocalypse movies:
I think I’ve seen or own most of them.
It’s strange how many movie covers have (non Asian) people with masks on their faces. Doesn’t appear to help them much.
Maybe someone could create a nice timeline for the end of the world.
Double Spoiler Alert: They are people of good taste!
There are too many references to Soylent Green in the Simpsons (and Futurama) for me to bother listing here.
My favorite is Futurama:
Fry: What if the secret ingredient is… people!?
Leela: Oh, there’s already a soda like that. Soylent Cola.
Fry: Oh, how is it?
Leela: It depends on the people.