Scientists, and their moral duty to resist trumpism

There is a current mindset under which everyone who does not spend every possible hour of the day and night expressing their hate/fear of Trump, and working on ways to resist “trumpism” is objectively a Trump supporter.

I’ve never advocated for Trump, I think most of his ideas are wrong at best and destructive at worst, but I refuse to participate in that mindset. Lots of the Trump resisters have bad ideas too. And I have lots of other interesting things to do every day that don’t involve political action.


I can’t believe I’m saying this, but listen to your econ teacher! Investing in gold or silver ties the value of your investment to the capriciousness of conspiracy theorists.


Lol I guess

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And you voted for someone to directly privatize public expenditures.

Congratulations on your complete failure, you may want to eventually stop bruising your back patting so hard on bad decisions.


Start here:


Instead of “The Resistance” we need “The Impedance.” We need something complex.


But it would end up being mostly a phase.

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[Edit: deleted some ranting hurting my argument. Sorry about that, if you read it already.]

Their only practical suggestion seems to be for tenured professors to go on a (teaching) strike.

I dare say this is not a line of action which changes much. A tool from the organised (manual) workforce, the struggle of proletarians, is IMO not fit to hit back against populist forces discrediting “experts” or an “intelligentsia”.

I suggest we should start teaching instead of going on strike.

Leave your comfort zone, engage with your students and talk about the open attack on knowledge, sciences, and culture.

Strike. I don’t even.

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… If you continue to refuse to tax your wealthiest.


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