Scorned girlfriend tries to sue boyfriend over ghosting her airport ride

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Ex-boyfriend, surely?


is he even alive? has someone filed a missing persons report?


ok karen

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You know what, I hope so. And probably yes - this reminds me of many other lawsuits aimed at punishing an ex (usually narcissistic men targetting women, but certainly not exclusively a male behaviour). Of course, she might well have legitimate grievances with him too, but this was never going anywhere. Google could tell her that.

But I’ve been 'round long enough to know that there’s a lot of people who make a lot of bad decisions. And this lawsuit was one bad decision and it’s not outside the realm of possibility that getting back into a bad relationship is a second.


In the US, at least, that can be a mistake. Courts will often issue a default judgement in cases where one party is a no show.

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Man, what a dick.

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