Scott Adams endorses Trump, becomes respected pundit

I’m a bit confused about the “millennial” picture, since I only see one person who’s offended and upset, and it’s the person who posted it.


They are pretending to be a millennial, I think


They’re just attacking broadly because they’re frightened and angry.

Don’t take any of it seriously.


Possibly. Seemed more like an escape into fantasy by someone without good tools to handle whatever they’re experiencing, than like a common trolley. That they filled out the user bio initially with an actual twitter handle that actually belongs to someone who actually seems to be that way outside of the bbs is why my concern for their wellbeing, and wishes of the same, are real. I think that was a real person, earnestly doing his best.

I don’t think it’s indicative of the average Trump supporter though.


Oh, I didn’t see troll or Trump, just personal demons.


So that’s what happened. I noticed he hadn’t been around in a while.

He belittled my annoyance that a commenter was unfairly portraying an entire group of people. And then implied I was only annoyed because I happen to be a member of that group. And called me thin-skinned. Mansplainers use the same tactic to tone police women, making it about their emotions instead of the issue at hand. I guess I can only find logical errors to be annoying if I have no emotional connection to the people they malign.

…but you were only annoyed because you were a part of that group…


My heart is broken that Mr. Adams is such a weirdo (weirdo—in a bad way). I always loved his cartoons, but when I learned about what a dipshit he is (way before the Trump fiasco), it just ruined all of Dilbert.


Stop being racist against the New Atheist Movement I guess?


In a book of his I read years ago (sometime in the late 90s, don’t remember the title, it was from the library) he explained that his wild success was due to his habit of reciting and/or writing out daily affirmations. Like standing in front of the mirror and saying “I will be a wildly successful comic strip writer” ten times or some other such bullshit.

The only other thing I remember from the book was a passage where he talked about some getting some bill every month that really annoyed him (like a long distance service or voicemail or something of that nature) but that his comic strip drawing time was far too valuable for him to take the small amount of time it would require to call the company and have the service canceled. He even did the math to show he made more money in that amount of time than the bill cost him every month.

I had a number of thoughts on both of those bits and none of them were in his favor. But until fairly recently I just thought it made him eccentric and maybe a little egotistical, when he is obviously closer to toxic and batshit nutballs.


The Phantom Menace is of course awful, but at least its main character ultimately slides deeper into lava, unlike Scott Adams, who slides deeper into irrelevance.


Turns out Scott Adams and Peter Thiel had our numbers all along.

Joke’s on us, folks. :skull_crossbones:


But like much of Adams’ work it’s not a very funny one.


Adams lost like everyone else. The fact that he’s going to claim victory doesn’t make him a winner. There’s your joke.

I think by itself you’ve got a fair point; suicide bombing is a cultural phenomenon and as such is probably subject to cultural influence. I think I found it so offensive because he seemed to be selling it as a solution to the whole thing. Like, you’ve got some people who are in a messed up enough situation to want to kill and die over it, not to mention lots of less radical people who aren’t real hyped about things either, and his grand suggestion was to persuade them all to just be fine with it. Thanks, guy, but I will go elsewhere for thought leadership.

Yeah, the “emotional quotient” thing was related, something about having mastery over his emotions so that he could “delay gratification” - i.e. not have any fun - for a very long time. You can kind of see how it might tie in with yer basic “women are too emotional to be rational” brand of misogyny that Adams seems to like.

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