Great comment there:
Name - White so white
Location - in a sea of brown, black and yellow
The problem is not the alt-right or the alt-light, that are both code for white supremacy.
The problem is the entire right is more or less consciously rooted in white (cultural) supremacist premises, and is blowing the dog whistle or even openly spreading its pre-judging, pre-condemning messages and stereotyping, and its takes and stances on the supposedly inferior, the blacks, the Jews, the Latinos, the welfare queens, liberals, feminazis, Muslims and the wimps and traitors that fold and genuflect before them, the so-called dhimmies.
They abet and strengthen and embrace the gun craze, the military-industrial complex and its arms and war craze, all the kleptocrat singling ladies oops men, singling out their shiny ego selves, and their riches, to stand ‘impressively’ apart from everything else, and they go with the program of anything white and big and dominant and powerful, as their best bet against the (migrant) threat of color, and they do not know what they do (to their own economic realities, let alone peace of soul, with that).
They really think God has blessed the whites as his chosen people.
They see God as siding with the privileged.
They are there already, before any one alt-right knocks at the door.
And the mix of hard-right and somewhat softened policies and politics of the Republicans have always been of a white male supremacy nature.
You don’t need to go undercover to uncover that.
It is out in the bigotedly closed open.