SecDef Mattis upset at Pentagon wasting $28 million on Afghan uniforms with wrong camo pattern

That’s what our Uffz used to say in basic training.
Besides, after rolling around in the mud for a couple of minutes, the colour is just fine.

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Admittedly, some traditions are a bit silly.

But Fiddler, yeah, that has some really catchy tunes… I’ll be humming Rich Man now for the next two days.

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But some of them can be silly and fun.

Things are fine as long as the people who don’t find them fun can opt out with no social repercussions.



Back in 2015, a Kyoto based kimono maker did a line of then current BDU pattern kimonos. I’d link to the source but their site is down so here are some cached images I found.

Somewhat related…

If you can’t hide, confuse. Figuring course and speed on a target like that is an absolute bastard of a job without radar.

And for more camo trivia:

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