Second Sonic the Hedgehog trailer shows fixed design

I’m a big fan of “cut a 2 hour movie down to 1 hour of… hell, 45 minutes of something completely different”

IMO he looks a lot like Anna and Elsa from Frozen now.

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Shit, that’s the one I was trying to come up with.


Yeah, not sure who Boing Boing’s ad provider is, but hijacking actual content seems overboard, maybe time to find another one?

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That’s really a significant improvement. Although, I have to admit, part of me is a little disappointed. I mean, a live action Sonic feature film has the odds stacked against it; but the fun part of film adaptations of video games is seeing what kinda crazy fun-house mirror, Marvel “What If?” versions of these properties we get when they’re adapted from their original medium into one they were never, ever intended for by people not really invested in the source material. That’s how you get gems like the 90’s Mario Bros and Street Fighter films (is the original Sonic design any more monstrous than the live-action Yoshi?).

I mean, there is a creative process that takes place in adapting source material with very little narrative or even, like, a sensible world as starting point. Like, part of me would rather see the film based on this crazy European cover to Mega Man 2 – which is the result of some illustrator extrapolating from a handful of screenshots – than an actual faithful adaptation of the actual in-game story (which, like Sonic, we’ve frankly seen many, many times).

I mean, I thought the creators were sorta in on the joke – like they purposely intended to make a bad 90s video game adaptation, which I was totally on-board for. Like, there’s been literal decades of Sonic narrative fiction and technology is not a barrier like it was in the 90s, so getting it this wrong felt like it had to be a purposeful joke (right down to Gangster’s Paradise playing the trailer).

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I was an adult before I even heard of Gatchaman


Capcom, infamously, was delighted with the Street Fighter live-action movie and wanted to do sequels.

cf. Frank Herbert liked the David Lynch Dune movie

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Wow that actually looks …good? I’m pretty confused right now tbh. Also Supersonic ftw! Love that song, it brings back great memories.

Re-read the headline.


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