Selfie drones are a huge problem in the ancient ruins of Provence, and the New York Times is ON IT

I don’t wholly disagree, an experienced professional drone handler I can live with, especially at an event or doing research. But if it’s for the sake of a tipsy tourist getting a slightly better shot at the expense of safety and comfort of others then that’s, in my opinion at least, a bit shitty. Plus teenagers.

The tipsy tourists are consuming and crashing enough of drones to bring their cost down. That has to count as the positive side, especially for the less rich ones of us.

Thing is I empathise with the first bit, but don’t agree with the second - there are very few things I’m in favour of ‘banning’. I’m not all or nothing, but yea I guess I am a Luddite, really, reluctant technology user. I’m all for advancement; better agriculture, fixing the impending water crisis, energy, health and well being, space exploration for when all that doesn’t pan out. Personal camera drone usage is somewhere on the list, I’m sure.

Is it too much to ask for responsible drone use? They’re neat tools with lots of different applications. I think most operators will be fine if they follow the following:

  1. Don’t fly in restricted areas
  2. Don’t fly near aircraft
  3. Keep a respectful distance from other living things
  4. Fly only where you can recover it from a crash.
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The Church of Starry Wisdom, obviously.
I would totally read “Drones from Beyond”.

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