Sen Lindsay Graham promises a fine future for "white men in male-only clubs"

It’s interesting to see how online communities change over the years. I’ve been a regular reader and poster to BB for a decade or so now…and back then I didn’t see things like this. Yes there were trolls, but the regular posters had more civility than what I see now.

I find it oddly ironic that everyone seems fine with posting what amounts to male oriented hate messages at what is an obvious troll. I have my own opinions on modern feminism and no one here is helping it by stooping to troll level - if anything you are playing the opposite side of the same coin.

Gee and you wonder why chauvinistic, misogynistic men exist? It’s like watching kids play a game of who hit who first…how about acting like an adult - that’s what we are suppose to be right?


Wouldn’t it be great if the community could give each other troll points, and then I could simply choose not to see anybody who’s over, say, 50 points?


Hate messages? I don’t think anyone in this thread has gone that far.


so far i see comments like “huff and puff. . .” “. . .or are you really an asshole?” and a pointedly sarcastic photo about alpha males. as a middle-aged, white male i don’t find much of anything there that rises to the level of being a male oriented hate message, even the one about alpha males. i, for one, note your concerns and find them unwarranted.


Want to see what that looks like in real life? Here, I’ll even expand it to show the top 500 comments instead of the default top 200.


While my comment was not in any way gender-specific it was admittedly unfairly insulting to assholes, which do serve a useful purpose.


Speaking as another white male, I submit that there IS no “opposite side of the same coin” in this issue due to the inherent power imbalance between white males and everyone else in our society.

“Cracker” will never have the same sting as the N-word. There is no anti-male slur analogous to “b----” or “c—”. No matter how negatively any individual feels toward white people or men in general, the systems of discrimination and oppression still favor us over everyone else.

As a group we white males are getting by just fine. Anyone who says different is either a liar or has some kind of persecution complex.


[quote=“bcsizemo, post:26, topic:44671”]
Gee and you wonder why chauvinistic, misogynistic men exist?
[/quote]This is some totally ahistorical junk. Feminism is a century or two old response to thousands of years of misogyny, chauvinism, and patriarchy. Not the other way around.


The problem here with you is easy enough to solve:

I’m sure the girls and women in your life just LOVE it when you mansplain to them about just how they should modulate their complaints about certain male attitudes and behaviors.


i was trying very hard not to label sizemo’s comment as cn t*g. thanks for finding a bankshot that lands in the same pocket :smile:


ADMIN NOTE: Feeding the trolls is permitted, but please remember who the trolls are fed to. Phthalates, parabens, polychlorinated biphenyls–all tough on a Don’t Push Your Luckdragon’s mysterious innards.


Oh gods, you’re right! And that’s why racism must exist, too - someone was sarcastic to a white person! (Slavery then, must have been the response to a really mean internet post.)

/sarcasm (In case you mistook it for a hate message.)


Maybe he feels he needs to play the Man Card more strongly, as Lindsay is also a popular female name.

Keeping the voters informed and all.

Of course it was a joke. It doesn’t mean there isn’t some truth to it, but folks like Graham feel minimized. I work in a very liberal environment and while its a stereotype that they act as though heterosexual white males are evil…there is a considerable amount of people within this group that truly believe it. I would be upset, but then I remember that heterosexual white men control 90% of the world and realize that I don’t care. So when the stereotype is making you out to be evil, you will laugh about it. I talk to my conservative friends and joke that when us liberals get together, we pray to Marx and eat tofu while willfully submitting to perverted homosexual acts in front of children. Its a joke. I hate tofu. Sometimes you laugh about the stereotypes…all in all, this is the least offensive thing I’ve seen from Graham. Given everything he’s ever voted on and how he’s helped steer the country negatively, I find it offensive that idiots can’t tell this is a joke and focus on this as opposed to finding a way to impeach his credibility on everything else.

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That’s pretty hilarious considering that the U.S. Senate is 93 percent male and 96 percent white.


I see this meme pop up now and again, and it makes me sad. It is actually a picture of Shane Koyczan, who campaigns against bullying, and is perhaps best known for his spoken word “To This day.” It is pretty great, I suggest watching it. It was featured on boingboing last year, as well as being made into a Ted Talk.

So hey, maybe don’t reuse this meme? There are a lot of faux-persecuted alpha males out there to choose from (#gamergate). I’m sure you can find a better one.


Yes. Which is why mentioned this. Thank you for clarifying what I had already alluded to.

Thank you for pointing that out. I hadn’t seen the video, which is fantastic, and I appreciate the introduction to Shane’s work. I changed the image above. Thanks again.


“I work in a very liberal environment and while it’s a stereotype it’s my perception they act as though heterosexual white males…” blah blah blah.


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This user is suspended until August 15, 2288 2:10pm.
Reason: “As a white guy I’m fine with this. So many traditional men’s spaces have been invaded and feminized, it’s time to look out for our own again.” Sexist troll

See you in 2288, lucius. Maybe by then someone will miss you.