Sen Lindsay Graham promises a fine future for "white men in male-only clubs"

Digestion does take time


It’s an interesting thing about coins. It’s only when a coin is standing upright, on edge, that things happening on either side of the coin are directly comparable. When one side of the coin is on the bottom, and has been for a long, long time… it becomes a whole different thing. I mean, let’s say a plant tries to grow on either side of the coin… the one on the underside doesn’t get any light, the one on the top side is just fine. Maybe a beetle wants to stretch its legs… top side, it’s fine, bottom side, it’s got a whole coin to lift up (and probably some entitled topside beetle lounging about as well).

So when somebody complains about something being the opposite side of the same coin, the first worry should be is if one side of that same coin is already down, and if not, can we get them on equal footing first?


Those are all valid points, yet if someone calls a woman a “b” in a thread here it’s a very bad thing, yet I see asshole, douche, and lots of other things thrown at men…but that’s okay because men have repressed women for so long and we are just suppose to man up and take it.


I don’t have to “mansplain” anything to them. They rarely complain about male attitude or behaviors in a non personal way. There is no all men are evil for them. There is “Bob” at the office is a sexist jerk, and we talk about that, but nothing about how the company, society, or anything is hindering them in their lives. But then again I treat everyone as I want to be treated - and they generally do the same for me.

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You obviously didn’t bother to read the article milliefink linked to, because you’re doing it again.


Well, he will be the first gay president.

I had the misfortune of living in South Carolina when Graham was still a representative and Strom Thurmond was senator. However bad he is, he’s a vast improvement on Thurmond, whom I met once when he came to give a speech where I worked. He told 15 minutes of really dirty jokes and stunk up the joint with Ben-Gay.


Ah, “invaded” and “feminized.” Women now exist in spaces where they once weren’t welcome, and so that’s “invasion” to you, and also “feminized”, merely because women now demand the respect and recognition they deserve and have a right to as OVER HALF OF THE FUCKING POPULATION OF THIS PLANET.

If you are that threatened by women existing in your space, the problem isn’t with the women; it’s with you.

Edit: @daneel flagged your comment, so I retract my previous comment. :smile:


I find it interesting that you respond this strongly to a silly meme (lol @ “hate messages”) and yet you seem to be ignoring the trollies and non-trollies who dismiss, downplay or outright deny harassment against women. Your priorities are noted.

Gee and you wonder why chauvinistic, misogynistic men exist?

Ah yes, of course, the oppressed are totally causing chauvinistic, misogynistic men to exist. OF COURSE!


@bcsizemo I wouldn’t mind calling you a “b”. It’s suited for implying women in this thread should be considered man-hating bitches because they stooped so low as insulting an asshole who happened to be male.

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I liked it by mistake when I flagged his comment. Didn’t notice I had until it was too late to unlike it.


I was about to ask about that… was looking at the turd’s profile when I saw you gave him his only like, but the WTF and subsequent clicks led back here, so that’s cool

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Heh. I looked at his profile and was, like, which idiot liked one of his posts?…oh. :blush: Undo! Undo!..balls.


I’ve been wondering if there was a Poe’s Law instance I missed somewhere or maybe you’d had your account hacked.

There is a largely white, male, non-“feminized” space that is openly hostile to women and entirely skewed to the advantage of white males called “The Senate” in the US. It’s very traditional too.


It is possible to accidentally like a post (especially when scrolling quickly or using touch screen devices). After about 10 minutes (@codinghorror can give a better time on this), you cannot “unlike” it.
This is the case of what happened to @daneel, who even contacted me to see if I could undo it. He doesn’t condone the sexist comments that were made.


I moved a post to a new topic: Undoing “Likes”

Neither of those are especially gendered slurs (though “douche” has sexist connotations of its own). If someone calls you an “asshole” it’s generally a reaction to your behavior, not your gender. If someone calls a woman a “b----” then it’s a way of marginalizing someone based (at least in part) on their gender.

Our language doesn’t have slurs that hurt white men the way they hurt women and minorities. Even terms like “son of a b----” or “bastard” are really directed toward a man’s mother, not the man himself. Similarly “white trash” isn’t really an anti-white insult, since the implication is that trash usually comes in other colors.


Perhaps the commenter was simply noting the double standard that exists when harshly criticizing one group in order to elevate (relatively) another group. Two wrongs make a right, fight fire with fire, an eye for an eye and all that.

I long for a kindler, gentler internet :wink:

Thank you! I do that a lot myself. I appreciate your response. And your flag.

But then again I treat everyone as I want to be treated - and they generally do the same for me.

Ahh, and here your unchecked privilege shines through this ridiculously condescending comment. You don’t even have an ounce of self-awareness, or awareness of how the world works for the other half of the population.


Did you really compare the oppression of women, and the support or denial of that oppression (and support and denial of much worse) to a few snarky responses to one such asshole, and to someone calling that asshole an asshole because that person had a terrible, unsupported, misogynistic opinion? And then did you call it “an eye for an eye”? False comparison, much?!

You are essentially wishing for the oppressed to shut up and be quiet and ignore their oppression. Do you think women gained the right to vote by not getting angry or annoyed? Or are you even thinking even a little bit about what you’re saying here, rather than having a knee-jerk reaction about the hurt feelings of some fucking asshole, and your personal offense to some snarky comment to an asshole on the internet? You don’t even mention the feelings of those who are harmed by the sexist comments people are (RIGHTFULLY) responding to with snark and anger!

I long for a kindler, gentler internet wink

Says a man who has likely never had to deal with the shit women do on a daily basis, particularly on the internet.

Do you think YOU are being kind? Because you’re not – not at all.

I don’t find it particularly “nice” that you’re saving your judgement and ire and finger waving for the people responding to sexist behavior, and are completely ignoring the actual sexist behavior.

AGAIN! Priorities. Evident. Very evident.

I, for one, long for a day when faux-politeness (yours) never ever happens ever again.

Also, ugh, the blockquote above translated your smiley icon to the literal word “wink” winch just makes your dismissive attitude even more evident.