Sesame seeds missing on your favorite hamburger buns? The FDA now requires them to be listed as potential allergens

I’ve seen worse. Hard boiled eggs. May contain: eggs.

MAY??? It damn well better.


Yeeeaaahhh, what attorney on their staff cleared this use of “may”?!

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As someone who has printed and cut out 6k emergency ingredient label stickers when a minor change in the packaging was forwarded to my old company 6 hours before we shipped our product - I can tell you that compliance with labeling laws can be tricky and does get enforced. And also that even a small number like 6k labels basically ate the profit on that one item. With more warning, I’ve seen boxes reprinted and the 40k mislabeled boxes go into recycling. One of those later cases was because of a “may contain” that didn’t follow the letter of the law (i.e. “May contain” isn’t just a legalese ass coverer - your factory has to actually also process the listed ingredient)


This has caused chaos in the commercial baking industry. At least in my company.

In my last job my boss carried an epi-pen around for sesame allergies (it’s in things you wouldn’t expect), and one of the people I worked with was allergic to all Alliums (if you’re intolerant/allergic to garlic, you probably will be to chives, leeks, onions and anything else under that banner) it severely limited his food choices, and he was very happy to discover Jain cooking, as they eschew any foods which requires them to kill any living thing, including plants.


Are you allergic or just don’t like it?

Do NOT visit my Korean aunt. She loves cooking with garlic!

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Great. Now I have to go down this rabbit hole :smiley:


Yeah, like that but way less cool.


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