Sex Nun of Dune

Sex Nun? Within the Bene Gesserit order, they’d call this one an Imprinter.


If it ends with the crucifixion of Brian Herbert, who would complain?


He’s just the Ersatz Haderach!



And I only have one upvote, sadly.


I once came across this limeraiku, which has already been deleted on other sites I’ve posted it to despite the absence of swearwords:

In Arabia,
baby, a
girl must get dust
in her labia.


My first and last melange à trois.


By John Norman, Writing as Frank Herbert.


Thank you for introducing me to this.

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[quote=“kupfernigk, post:16, topic:76118, full:true”]
Dune managed to be a book in which almost all of the main characters were equally unpleasant.[/quote]
Exactly - just like the Bible!

Pretty sure that there was a rumour that Al Quaeda issued a pro-Herbert analysis of Dune back in the 90s. Bin Laden in particular was said to identify with Paul Atreides. Surely the Kwizatz Haderach is the Mahdi, though?


Fantastic - I hadn’t even realized! Presumably because I’ve blotted his existence out.

National Lampoon’s Doon is so excellent, it’s worth reading Dune just to appreciate it.

Wow, it’s got quite the extensive Wikipedia page. But it doesn’t include the Litany Against Fun:

I must not have fun. Fun is the time-killer. Fun is for
inferiors, servants and the help. I will ignore fun. I will work
through it. And when the fun is gone only I will remain–I, and
my will to win. Damn, I’m good.


Good point.

The history of Arabia post-Mohammed and of Sudan post-Mahdi would suggest otherwise. Which one was it in which warrior fanatics spread across much of the known world killing all opposition and enforcing a desert-ethos world order? And which one was ultimately a flop?

“[A]t first the story is about political intrigue and cultural clashing… and then by the fifth book or so it all collapses into what are BDSM dominatrices taking over the galaxy through their powers of orgasm.” --A TVTropes entry lost to time.


Well, if you’re going to take over the galaxy, that’s maybe the most civilised way…

I haven’t read that since… 1986, shortly after it came out, and was on the spinner-racks of my high-school library? Loved it. (I read it around the same time that I read Shockwave Rider.)

This realization focused within him in a sudden sparkflash computation, and in the clear brilliance of that illumination, the boy Pall understood a profoundness. His life, hitherto a child’s plaything, devoid of direction–seemingly! Or had there in fact always been a plan–a plan within a plan within a plan (whatever that meant (whatever that meant (whatever that meant)))?–was now encompassed by a terrible purpose. He knew the meaning of the word terrible, and he knew the meaning of the word purpose. And therefore he understood deeply the meaning of “terrible purpose” Unless he, in the solitude of his deeply brain-filled mind, misunderstood this revelation, and was in fact confronted with a “terrible papoose.”

What could that mean?

I think we’ve found an important progenitor in @japhroaig’s writing stylee.


Never read any Dune novel after God-Emperor.

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That is one crazy outfit, looks like she won mardigras!

I’d go for a Dune/Ender mashup…Speaker for the Worms.


Then who is Gordon?