Sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell found guilty

She still had a very comfortable income from a trust fund after her family’s fortunes imploded circa 1991, but it wasn’t the same kind of private-island/private-jet/superyacht/A-list-Celebrity-entertaining lifestyle she was able to attain by attaching herself to Epstein.

The time to rat was before Epstein died, leaving her the biggest figure left to answer for his crimes. Prosecutors cut deals with little fish to get bigger fish, not the other way around.

The best she can hope for now is a good word with the parole board in exchange for cooperating with prosecutors if they decide to go after any of Epstein’s other associates.


I don’t think she’s got anything TO flip. I get that the whole Q side of the world that believes in massive global pedophile rings, but rich people like Epstein LIKE to be seen in the company of other rich , powerful people like Bill Clinton, Trump, the Obamas, etc. That doesn’t mean that everyone associated with Epstein was involved with his child trafficking. It just means that rich people only hang out with rich people.

The time to flip was when Epstein was out and could offer something. Or at least before this trial when she was negotiating her surrender after “hiding” in plain sight spending her own money while all of law enforcement somehow pretended that they didn’t know where she was.

I really honestly don’t think she’s got anything to spill. Prince Andrew is going to be untouchable simply because the queen will NEVER let a royal pay for a crime. Trump likely didn’t do anything and has his own source of illicit girls , bragged about it all through his time in NYC and no one did a thing then.

I just don’t believe the pool of rich elite pedophiles is as big as people think it is, and it’s definitely not the only crowd Epstein ran with.


I wonder what’s going on here


feels game of thrones GIF


Then I hope she dumps it all.

But do you really believe the Obamas are involved with it? The Clintons? The Bushes? Bill Gates? Jeff Bezos? Warren Buffett?

If so, it’d be great to see, but I’ve dealt with this whole “All the democrats are pedophiles and the day of the rope is coming” from the Q side of my family for the past two years and I’d like to see someone actually throw evidence out there.


I don’t believe she really can strike a deal before sentencing.

There are statutory minimums for these charges, rules about if and when they can run concurrently. The most a prosecutor can influence it is with a sentencing recommendation, but the court doesn’t have to follow that at all.

But after she’s sentenced cooperation can influence a lot. Not just parole hearings but when and if they happen, any sentence reductions. What prison a person is sent to, including what security level. Access to protective custody, or various privileges.

And that would be the thing. It’s entirely possible she doesn’t have a bigger fish to throw under the bus.

If there’s no vast rape and financial fraud ring. No grand conspiracy.

Just a handful of retirement age creeps with too much money.

Then she’s just gonna rot.

No but there are multiple accusers, on the record. Who also name other perpetrators. Including 2 currently accusing Prince Andrew, accusations against Dershowitz.

In regards to Trump, there isn’t an on the record accusation currently. But Virginia Giuffre was working at Mar a Lago when she was groomed, apparently recruited other girls there. And there are multiple accusations that apparently went down there.

There’s also a lot of serious financial weird with all of these people. There’s serious signs of public corruption around the the Palm Beach PD and how the original charges went down.

So there is something else going on. Even it’s just a couple perverts and big bucket of boring fraud.

I don’t really buy the bunkers of globe spanning black mail material speculation though.

Thing is if the broader thing here is about corruption and money. It’s very possible Maxwell isn’t the big key to it.

That appears to be a false claim, started by Jack Prosobiec. An alt right nutter.

Exactly the opposite has been happening for over a year, the courts have regularly unsealed huge chunks documents and released them to the public.


The ones who he was just pictured with? No. The ones who flew on his jet, who stayed in his mansions, even though they had their own in the same city? Hell yes.

Bill Clinton
Alan Dershowitz
Donald Trump
Prince Andrew
High level people in the CIA, FBI, and NYPD, based on how he kept getting preferential treatment from prosecutors in Florida and NYC.



Or “Suicide”.

Which probably a lot of you all are wondering if (when) it will happen.


See that is part of the problem with the speculation. You can go hell yes with Bill Clinton because he flew on the plane.

Or we can look at what actual victims have actually said about that particular thing.

Giuffre has been very explicit. That Clinton and the others on the plane during those specific trips, were never involved in any of the assaults she knew of. And that she is sure that they were unaware of any of it.

There are similar statements, and increasingly testimony about a number of people we connect to Epstein this way. I think Gates too. Even that gross shit that came out about Matt Groening came with caveats that he wasn’t really part of Epstein’s circle, or involved in the assaults.

Dershowitz and Andrew have specific accusations against them.

Trump. A lot of this confirmably went down at Mar a Lago and multiple people including Giuffre have demonstrated he was a lot closer to Epstein than claimed. He was very much part of this circle, even without a current accusation. He made public statements indicating he knew, and given his history there’s reason to poke it with a stick.

There was also the Jane Doe lawsuit back in 2016 that got real weird, where Epstein was a central bit. Still don’t really know what to make of that. But it sounds way less bonkers given everything that’s come out about Epstein since.


was today found ghislty


She won’t. The time to make that kind of deal with the feds is before you go to trial. I doubt she ever would have given up their names, anyhow. These are the kinds of ultra-wealthy and powerful white men she simultaneously worshipped and feared (like she did her scumbag dad).

“Financier” was all they had once it became apparent that he wasn’t the billionaire he had claimed to be. He probably had $250-million+, enough to keep up the appearance of being a billionaire without actually being one (cf. Biff).

The most compelling theory is that his investment banking service was indeed a front for the paedophilia blackmail racket. He’d video his marks with the girls Maxwell recruited and then offer to make it go away if they invested in his “hedge fund”.

Based on the reported returns, the “super amazing” fund was just a variation on a “set it and forget it” S&P index fund. The marks would get a modest return, immediately re-“invested”, and Epstein would collect his blackmail cash on an on-going basis from generous “management fees” when he did little actual wealth management.

Only in the sense that Epstein had to cultivate them to give his “hedge fund” and billionaire status an air of legitimacy and ensure that no-one looked too closely at what was really going on. If they say Epstein is a financial genius and billionaire, of course he must be.

Borrowing cachet is a standard part of these confidence games – see also Elizabeth Holmes, Bernie Madoff, and (again) Biff.


Try this thought experiment: Epstein comes to his good friend Donald Trump and says “I have some hot young teenage girls for you to bang. Interested?” Does Donald Trump reply:

  1. “Oh no, I couldn’t possibly, that doesn’t sound like my kind of thing at all”, or
  2. “Hell, yes. Show me the way.”

Everything we know about Epstein says that he’d have made the offer to Trump. Everything we know about Trump says that he is essentially incapable of keeping it in his pants. Do the math.

You could probably say the same thing about Clinton, although he doesn’t have quite the same voracious sexual neediness as Trump. He’s also considerably smarter. Clinton’s capable of saying “These girls look very young. This might not be a good idea,” whereas I’m not sure that Trump could make that calculation.


I wonder why the BBC would be in his pocke… oh, I see.


The BBC admits it screwed up:

”The interview with Alan Dershowitz after the Ghislaine Maxwell verdict did not meet the BBC’s editorial standards, as Mr Dershowitz was not a suitable person to interview as an impartial analyst, and we did not make the relevant background clear to our audience. We will look into how this happened.”


The producers at the BBC aren’t low-info naifs. Anyone who’s been following the story is aware of his connection. I strongly suspect a case of “it’s easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission” here.


You know, if you’re implicated in a sex scandal, and you go on TV to attack a witness who just helped to convict one of your ‘fellow travelers’ in said scandal, I think that’s basically the equivalent of parading around with a sign that reads “I am guilty. Seriously guilty. You wouldn’t fucking believe how guilty I am. However guilty you think I am, I’m actually way guiltier than that. That’s capital-G throw-away-the-key guilty. Just in case anyone was still unclear on this point.”

It also speaks volumes for the arrogance and hubris of the man that he didn’t just say “Uh, thanks for the invite, but I’ve got dinner plans.” Evidently, he considers himself untouchable. I suspect that we may find out quite soon whether he’s right about that or not.


It’s a start. Now if we can just keep it going…


My wishlist:

Donald Trump*
Alan Dershowitz
Prince Andrew

*Matt Gaetz, Roger Stone, etc…stemming from the former Tax Collector chap from Seminole County - guarantee he has evidence connecting Gaetz/Stone to the Epstein/Maxwell stuff, too. Florida is really gross this way.


If she decides to turn state’s evidence before sentencing… one wonders if the Trumps already have plans for when she’s alone in her cell.

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