Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/06/06/shadowy-humanoid-with-a-tail-caught-on-video.html
Wow, two MTG stories in one day!
Why would you insult tailed humanoids like that?
…think it isn’t “shadowy” as much as it’s a shadow…? and the “tail” by all impressions of re-plays is just something of the consistency of a shirt or other piece of clothing being held in the hand and flapping behind them as they dash…? (“Occam’s a real buzzkill, yknow that don’t ya?”)
“This incident proves that spirits exist”
No it doesn’t. It looks like the shadow of a kid who was running with a towel in his hand.
Why must people always leap to conclusions? Baseless accusations should be inserted where the sun doesn’t shine.
It proves that spirits like to go for a jog every now and then.
Certainly, no human being could run down an alley like that, dragging something behind him that might look like a tail to the particularly credulous!.
And yet people dare to call Her strategies ineffective.
“This incident proves that spirits exist,” Colasito wrote in Filipino.
Colasito forgot to do the part where he shows that the figure is a spirit.
“This also validates the bible narrative about Jesus casting out demons and evil spirits.”
Colasito forgot to do the part where he shows that demons, evil spirits, or Jesuses exist.
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