'She out! She out!' Video shows high school official choking 15 year old girl unconscious

What they need is like a big sack, burlap or something, and when a kid is being dangerous to others and you don’t want to fight them you just throw the sack over them. Like a butterfly net.

Maybe some sort of immobilizing spray foam.

militarized TCH aerosol spray?

Seriously we have been faced with having to physically prevent people, children included, for as long as forever is and we have yet to come up with a reasonably agreed upon method for doing so that does not cause the intervening party to suffer injury.

My kid was never the fighting sort beyond mean-girl stuff and that was pretty limited as she’s just not very mean, but if she had been in a fist fight I’d be hard pressed to come up with something you could do that wouldn’t bother me because someone touching your kid in any way even if it’s for their own good fucks with your parent-brain. I guess pepper spray would worry me the least, but she has no lung issues so I can’t imagine every parent would say that.

Ok, I have it: Along with vaccination records each guardian must submit a specified takedown list denoting the method their child should be incapacitated by if they become a danger to themselves or to others.


Heavy A/B foam gun. Although that foam stuff tends to be rather exothermic.

Seriously like, a big heavy blanket or sack seems pretty acceptable to me. Some kind of soft entanglement device. Let the kisd fall on their face under their own power. No body slamming or anything.

I don’t want the cops to do it either. Unlike most cases that are making the news, the cops aren’t the ones doing the bad here. Mr. Burgess was.

If cops had been there, the cops might even likely have done something bad. That’s not what happened here.

Yalonda Nesmith went to the police after the assualt and this time the police are doing their jobs.

How about a sort of futon with a bunch of super strong magnets, and you smother them with it and it seals them up in a padded cell.

Only problem I had is the issue of smothering and that if it is someone in a certain type of mental crisis (some of which often present with combative behavior) can be made much worse with “hooding”.

Seriously, this is pretty hard if you’re really trying to be universal about it and with the restriction that it has to be practical, trainable, and not allow the responder to be injured.


Then like you said, use a net.

The best I can come up with is almost literally a giant butterfly net.The design of the net itself is based on a collapsible hamper or magician’s top-hat. You have to pad the rim so you don’t hurt anyone.

And that padding was the last problem I could solve with it. 1) Unless all your faculty are in the NBA you’re not getting it over the head and arms of kids big enough to be a problem for any teacher other than Linda Hunt. Any kind of extender makes it too hard to wield on anyone not standing still.

Also your wingspan is your height. The thing would need to be bigger than a hula-hoop. Too big to use.

Why not go literal with the gladiator net idea? Gladiators trained with them and they were still a generally shitty weapon really used for snaring weapons or tripping. There are lots of problems with regular nets.

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I was talking to a family member about this who is a teacher, she has told me that she has not been trained in any restraint techniques but instead it is generally passed on that if there are no more options in a physical or violent altercation between students (it is worth mentioning she is a elementary school teacher) they advise them to come from in front or behind the students and give them a tight under arm hug. Similar to the image pictured below, I will say that she has also never had to physically restrain a student in over 25 years of teaching in low income schools with high student trauma and she did say that all of the teachers are trained in conflict resolution, so I would imagine that there are many many many steps that can be used before it comes to physical restraint.


Since the cops have the video… will the girls get charged with assault &|| battery (ex) or maybe even as an adult (ex)? They’re kids so all apply.

Isn’t there some sort of zero tolerance something so we don’t even have to be responsible for making that decision?


I work with adults with learning difficulties and I have had the relevant training. Lemme tell ya, that ain’t it. Enough with the internet tough guy, already. You may very well be able to do that in the controlled environment of a dojo with consenting, trained opponents. You most definitely cant do it when you are the ward of vulnerable people, or, like this, you get in trouble. Quite rightly.


Summed it up perfectly. :bow:


It seems to me the “serious investigation” only happened when the African-American mother of one of the African-American girls brought evidenced to the police and asked for charges to be filed against the African-American administrator. Despite this, the local magistrate still did what he could to slow the process down.

When are the police going to charge both girls with assault and battery, also based on the video evidence provided by the girl’s mother?

When is the school going to expel both students for this behavior while on campus? Before or after they cause bodily harm to someone else?

This reeks of damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation, and all so some parent can blame the problems of their misbehaved, under-parented child on someone else and hopefully cash in on it. I can all but guarantee that if no administrator had stepped in, the same parent would be after the school for failing to stop the fight. Wrong with any skin color.

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The hug method is a pretty good and fairly instinctual one. Ever watch boxing? Yeah, they are hugging each other all the time. It is hard to hit someone who his hugging you, you can’t get a lot of speed on a hit.

The worst time I ever put my foot in my mouth I hugged the guy. Partly to apologize, and partly so he couldn’t hit me.

As for the need to restrain kids - it seems to really depend on the school and the kids. I remember growing up, and I was really too young to know all the details, but there was one kid much much older than me, like 8th grade while I was maybe 2nd. He had the bad kid rep, already smoking, drinking, stealing, and lighting fires - at least that is what I heard. I saw one of the teachers, and older guy who was a WWII vet, lose it with him and push him against the wall. That was the only time I have seen a teach lay hands on some one.

My mom was a para for BD kids at the middle school for many years. I don’t think she ever had any physical problems. I will have to ask her.

But you can read the news or search youtube, liveleak, or worldstar for all kinds of videos of kids fighting, and some times adults breaking it up. I don’t know if kids are more violent now, or we just see it more. Probably the latter. At any rate, you mix in adults who aren’t trained and/or are emotionally charged, and this is what you get. I am sure in this guys head this was the quickest way to end it, not thinking that choke holds are often a bad time.


Just how dangerous are teenage girls considered in the USA that they are so regularly tackled, thrown down, and choked by authorities?


Except for the whole, bite your ear off thing…

When I went to school, separating two people fighting when it had gone on about long enough was done by their classmates, and we did it by just pulling them apart or stepping in between them. What those two girls are doing in the video does not look like something a grown man couldn´t break up by doing just that.

Well, since they are young black women, they are considered extremely dangerous by the authorities… As you can see from the tone of some of the comments, about how they should be charged as adults, etc, etc. /s


America is a disgusting and violent society.

I’m an American. Not good enough.

Except overall violent crime is down and we are living in the safest era America has ever had?


After watching the video I can honestly say that I’m far more concerned about the damage that’s been inflicted on the intellectual development of those high-school age kids which caused them to think “She out!” is proper grammar. When fast-food occupations are all replaced by automation they will have zero options with that kind of intelligence.

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