'She out! She out!' Video shows high school official choking 15 year old girl unconscious

That picture is begging for a caption.

“Look! They’re stealing the unicorn! Loading it into a chopper! We have to get the word out, let the world know what happened here!”

“Yes, shhhhhh, it will all be ok soon… shhhh…”

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It’s not bad grammar.

AAVE is a dialect of English like any other, but suffers extreme stigma due to the history of race in America. It has a systematic, coherent, rule-bound grammar. It has some super cool grammatical features that allow it to communicate complex ideas in fewer words than other dialects of English.


i was about to inform this poor person that since they seemed to understand what was said, that referring to grammar was gauche, but I fear their heavy powdered wig may render them unable to hear my protestations.


You have to be willing to ask the person to risk personal injury in the manner you describe. While I fully support acts or heroism (which I consider to be any time someone puts themselves in harms way to help another) I do not believe you can make them a requirement of someone’s job unless they are someone like a Fire/Rescue person or a properly trained and compensated safety professional.


Dialect isn’t an indicator of intelligence, it’s an indicator of community.

The irony being the use of a fairly uninformed observation to critique the intellect of someone else.


Come on dude, breaking up the “fight” of two high school girls, that consists mainly of aimlessly flailing their arms about? Not exactly what I would consider heroic.

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There was an incident in 2012 in which
two elementary school girls were fighting over a boy just a few blocks from where we lived at the time. One of the girls punched the other’s nose upward so hard that it caused bleeding in her brain and subsequent death.

So I think young women can hurt each other just as well as young men.

eta: This happened after school and off-campus.


The counter argument you have chosen to go with is “man up”?

First of all kids can be big for their age and fifteen isn’t even that young.

Secondly there is no validity to the assumption that because someone is swinging their arms wildly that you can’t be hurt by them. That is a really dangerous assumption.

Third you make no effort to consider the physical disposition of the person responding to the fight. Are they elderly, as the man in the article is? Are they just physically small? I was 5’10" in 9th grade, I was bigger than half the faculty at my school. I was not even remotely freakishly large.

Basically you assume you can do this yourself (you offer no indication of experience in breaking up fights among teens) and you apply that assumption to everyone else.


Yet the cops want Burgess to be prosecuted. You don’t see that with campus cops.

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Two incidents recently in Australia about bystander restraint causing death/injury.

Related are the other recent restraint deaths by police in the US. Controversy around excited delerium and positional asphyxia in restraints.

Certainly sympathomimetics and obesity are risk factors.

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And as they point out in that Vice article:

“Any body position that interferes with breathing can cause death,” states a training manual used by police in Victoria, Canada.

That is the main issue with restraint, it’s a lot easier than many people think to asphyxiate someone.

In his experience, it seems that a lot of officers don’t realize how little weight it takes to suffocate someone. It’s not just chest compression that does it, either; pressing down on the lower body can also be dangerous if it prevents the diaphragm from expanding.


This sort of choke-hold is “frowned upon” by police. If police did it it would be “frowned upon”. Someone might even get paid leave.

So are the police going to “frown upon” him?

The video depicts a felony strangulation assault under South Carolina law. This is the use of deadly force in response to non-deadly force. At the Training Institute on Strangulation Prevention (www.strangulationtraininginstitute.org) we focus on seeking to stop assaults like this across the country. In the first week of June we will be training in Columbia, South Carolina at the U.S. Department of Justice’s National Advocacy Center providing specialized training to law enforcement officers, prosecutors, advocates, doctors, and nurses on the incredible dangers of strangulation assaults. This poor woman likely suffered brain damage from this assault.


As best as I can figure, the job of Assistant Principal is to do and say all the stupid shit that the real Principal doesn’t want to go on record as having done and said. Every time you read about some kindergartener getting suspended for pretending a pop-tart is a gun or an art student being expelled for having a metal ruler, it’s always the Assistant Principal up there defending the school’s brainless zero-tolerance policy.


They started by having the participants sign a waiver, something I doubt schools require of their students.

As I said in my first post, breaking up fights was something a lot of people did when I went to school. I did it and other teenagers like me did it, and I´m of average height and build. But I guess you can also just assume the worst case scenario and use as much force as you can muster. I.m.o. that´s the kind of thinking that gets people shot, tasered and beaten constantly in the U.S., because everyone and every situation is always assumed to be a potentially lethal threat.

Well, like I said, I’m trained (including the ‘prepared to get punched’ bit). Properly compensated? Not so much.


Violent crimes are down for citizens but up for authorities. Even though the number of violent crimes are lower the they are still disgustingly high.

America is a disgusting and violent society. Not good enough. Go back, do you homework, and try again. You failed the test.

Source? Because violence from the authorities used to be not just more common but more or less accepted. Certainly more accepted than it is now. One only has to go back as far as the 60s to see it televised.

Though we do produce such things as the Kardasians and Real Wives…, so your point ha some merit. Then again, we are behind the curve in German scat porn and tentacle rape porn, and we haven’t had an honest to god Civil War in over 150 years.


Yep, because literally the worst thing here is the bad grammar…

Get a sense of perspective, please.