Shia LaBeouf's joy of plagiarizing


Looks like he’s really dug himself a hole.



I’m actually starting to seriously consider the notion that this was a stunt from day one.


As I’ve always said, if you must write prose or poems, the words you use should be your own. Don’t plagiarize or take ‘on loan’. There’s always someone, somewhere, with a big nose, who knows, who’ll trip you up and laugh when you fall. They’ll trip you up and laugh when you fall.


OMG, now that I think of it, that Indiana Jones movie wasn’t original either! Turn out there were THREE of them before it! And Transformers? Turns out it was a toy! He didn’t invent them! And everyone knows he’s lying about inventing the internet. We all know that was Al Gore!
Heh, but really, if Shia is going to be known for having no content of his own, his name should be “Where’s” LaBeouf.


You mean his career?


This I know from nothing. What I’m going to do?

Who is Kanya Woods? At first I thought it was meant to be Kanye West. Google yielded no results.

Oh, man!


Here’s another example of him plagiarizing:

This LaBeouf quote —

“”I know something about the gulf between critical acclaim and blockbuster business. I have been crushed by critics (especially during my Transformers run), and in trying to come to terms with my feelings about critics, I needed to understand them. As I tried to empathize with the sort of man who might earn a living taking potshots at me and the people I’ve worked with, a small script developed.”

is reworded from this article by Kyle Buchanan in 2012

“LaBeouf would know something about the gulf between critical acclaim and blockbuster business — he’s made three Transformers movies, after all. But his short isn’t an attempt to slag on critics, not really: Instead, he tries to empathize with the sort of man who might earn a living taking potshots at the actor.”

Heidi McDonald of The Beat, a blog about comics culture, has more about Shia LaBeouf’s propensity to lift creative people’s work and pass it off as his own. It turns out LaBeouf’s brazen rip-off of a Daniel Clowes comic book story is just the tip of an iceberg of shameless swiping.

As David posted yesterday, when LaBeouf was called out for claiming authorship of Clowes’ story in a short film LaBeouf directed, He went on Twitter to apologize. It turns out his apology was plagiarized from another website. After he was called out on it, he followed up with a series of insincere apologies previously uttered by Tiger Woods, Robert McNamara, and Kanya Woods. (See, everyone, I was being ironic!)

Now that LaBeouf’s habit of swiping is on the radar, people are looking into earlier works by the actor, and discovering a pattern of behavior.



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I was Xeni Jardin before Xeni Jardin was cool. Kids these days, they think they invented everything.


Prepare to be sued 103 times :smiley:

Kind of sad, because he seems like a nice guy.

Breaking News: Shia Labeouf has signed on to play the titular role of Legendary “artist” Rob Granito Just as soon as they decide whose life story to rip off for the film

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Damn your eyes! I wanted to be the first!!! Have you read the opening line of his latest work?

“Ere thrice the sun done salutation to the dawn”

Also, it’s ‘plagiarise’. Amateur.

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