Shredding Christmas Trees, and 7 more oddly satisfying Shredder Porn videos


Bubble wrap for dudes.


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You miss out on the wonderful scent, but still quite satisfying.

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Was it here on BoingBoing? Somewhere I saw one of these videos run in reverse. It’s hilarious and wonderful.

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My dad used to sell tree chippers. The big one could take in telephone poles and spit them out into 1" x 2" chips. It was godlike.


Is there a bigger image of that?



Well, that’s 30 minutes of my life I’ll never get back.

That was cropped to comply with most decency standards.

I’m pretty sure my mental image of the victims of a “can opener” bridge could be also classified as shredder porn. I’m also pretty sure I’d rather not think about it too much.

Bah! :stuck_out_tongue:

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