Signs that You're Addicted to BoingBoing BBS

Gee, you sound as if it’s the people here that make this forum so worthwhile, more so than the content…


I went to a top-ranked private US university, but it is a tier below the Ivy schools (and the distance between those two tiers is significant, make no mistake). I was certainly a misfit, but the community there was wonderful - you could count on everyone you came in contact with to be intelligent, and intellectually stimulating, and very few were full of themselves - hey, none of us got in to the Ivies. There were a lot of other misfits, as it turned out, from all different backgrounds and from all over the world. There was little genuine conflict between people and groups, but it wasn’t a circle jerk either. School administrators et al. were largely ignored, including by the professors.

To me, BB is that humble ivory tower experience vs. the squalor and conflict of the post-college “real world” that is well represented by the rest of the internet, or the douchey know-it-all atmosphere that permeates most of the relatively intelligent corners of the internet.

That is why, though I don’t post much anymore and I certainly don’t read everything, I have been around for so long (ten years plus - since I was at university, not coincidentally) - why would I want to be anywhere else on the internet?


Bingo! Do we have a entry at a card for that?

It is of course a mix, at such a big place as this, without good things to talk about, no people (or chaos). But good things to talk about are useless without people to talk about them.


At the start of our appointment my doctor informed me she’s moving to Chicago. And my first thought was, “Oh, cool, maybe she’ll run into @chgoliz.” That’s when I realized I could no longer deny the truth about myself.

Hello. I’m Spunky The Wonder Squid, and I’m a BBS addict.


When you dream about boingers, despite not knowing any of them in real life. Done it twice now.


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