'Simon and Simon' was a popular TV show

(And variants thereof)

That seems like a perfectly cromulent tattoo to me



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I assume that this posting will spark an idea in some low level Hollywood type, which will eventually turn into a new feature movie with Dax Shepard and Michael Peña. It will be called Simon and Simón. It’s the story of two bickering brothers with a private detective business. One of the brothers was adopted, after his mother, the housekeeper for the family, dies. Pure gold.


I’m thinking Simon and Simone… :thinking:

A Simon and Simon Cagney and Lacey mashup. It totally doesn’t make any sense, But lots of crossover TV shows in the '80s didn’t either…


As a punk rock / art student / kitchen guy in the 1980’s I can say that
it was as rich and rewarding as every other decade.
Except for the pay… the pay sucked.

This variant comes to mind.


A lot of these 80s shows had a car as a co-star, and as a teen I wanted that Manta Montage from Hardcastle & McCormick so much! I remember picking up a few kit car magazines at the time, and I was sure I could build one for myself. Fortunately, I never got around to it.


yeah, that was the end of my crush on him.


I was going to say the robot that lived on a boat was the best part of the show, but apparently that was an entirely different show. How many clones of Magnum P.I. were there?


For sheer desperation, I’ll see your “Simon and Simon” and raise you a “Tenspeed and Brownshoe.” Ben Vereen and Jeff Goldblum as private eyes! And nothing says Dawn of the Reagan Years like three-piece suits.


"Is it not a fact, Mrs. Fletcher, that a niece of yours, Victoria Griffin, was arrested for murder last year? Is it not a fact that another niece, Tracy McGill, was also arrested for murder? And that your nephew, Grady Fletcher, was arrested not once but twice… Also on the charge of homicide? Madam, it seems that one of New England’s most respected families is a breeding ground for homicidal maniacs!"

“The charges were dropped in every single one of those cases!”

“Dropped”? Oh, yes, then indeed, you must also be one of the most powerful
families in your country. I have no further questions.


So it’s safe to be a close relative or friend of Jessica Fletcher, but you do not want to be a friend of a friend. That way lies instant death.


Oh damn, I had forgotten about Sledge Hammer! Thanks for the reminder. It was to TV cop shows what Robocop was to dystopian science fiction. You can love it sincerely as a guilty pleasure, but also love it at another level for the satire it was intended to be.


You dodged a bullet. :joy: You put years of work into those things, and in the end, it’s still just a Fiero. They also had a strong tendency to fall into the uncanny valley, because the proportions were never quite right, as they had to adjust whatever supercar they were copying to fit the Fiero wheelbase. Many were also based on VWs as well. Both cars with self-contained drivetrains and bodies that were easy to remove.


Whenever I see a seaplane my eyes light up, and I think about Cutter’s Goose!


Counter point, Reagan and Thatcher.

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Who the heck was Catherine Lookalike?

Riptide and Tenspeed, both Stephen J. Cannell. Just sayin’.

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I loved the Rockford Files, from the opening answering machine messages, to the theme song with its Brian May-inspired guitar solo, to the unsavoury world that the somewhat luckless Rockford operated in.


You have to remember, this was a time when we did not have streaming, VCRs were expensive (as were VCR tapes), and most people either had 5 or 6 TV stations to choose from, or 30-40 if they lived in town and were willing to pay for cable. And you probably still had to get up off your butt and walk to the TV to change the channel. (unless you had a fancy TV with a “clicker”)

You watched whatever happened to be playing on the TV at that moment, or you went outside.

Don’t forget, “Love Boat” was also a thing, so this show doesn’t sound so bad now does it?