Sigmund the Sea Monster to return

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What kind of math does Marty Krofft use? The show originally aired from 1973-1975, so fans growing up on the show would be about 47* and older during its first run.

(*using a baseline of 4 years old)


It’s just as bad as the original.


Cecil the Seasick Sea Serpent or GTFO.


For what it’s worth, reruns were on Saturday morning until almost 1980. I wouldn’t be able to remember the Kroft shows from first run, but man, do I remember watching the crap out 'em. Land of the Lost, Sigmund the Sea Monster, Electra Woman and Dyna Girl, Lost Saucer…all great stuff to a little kid.


Who would [re-make] (The Avengers (TV series) - Wikipedia) a classic [film] (Planet of the Apes (2001 film) - Wikipedia) or [TV] (The Saint (TV series) - Wikipedia) series without caring about pissing off the original fans?


I get that, but Marty Krofft had a very specific age range of 38-40.

Hmm, maybe the Nielsen’s indicated that no one watched this show during the first run? I figured that it was just me. Huh.


Although the delivery method has changed,

I guess no “old school” sea monster then…


OK, I get that recycling is important, but some stuff really does deserve to stay in the dumpster.


i was going to say: i’m 49, so his math must be off.


Next up: The Bugaloos!


Obligatory The Onion reference:

(I’m kind of heartened to hear that Sidd & Marty are still around.

OTOH, H.R. Puffnstuff never did a damn thing for me when things got rough. Fucking dragon. Or whatever.)


I sent my nieces the entire HR series DVD set and Witchiepoo was an instant favorite.

I don’t think children should grow up without having seen all the Super Stars.


I loved them too, but that does not mean a remake is needed. You know what would suck even more? Giving up foam rubber to make the monsters CGI.


H.R. Puffnstuff absolute nightmare fuel.


Listen, I used to feel remakes should be saved for improving the prior art or trying to make a new offering of some sort, but our resident expert at creating video entertainment @Donald_Petersen has decreed remakes as wonderful, and so they must be!

Donald has claimed that people should just be making stuff, and that any interpretation of something may be pleasing to someone – it doesn’t have to supplant the version someone else prefers. Thats what I took away, anyways.

I believe Donald, however, is just playing the role of evil real estate developer and trying to ensure there is always another Fuller House to work on, which I enjoyed but California was stolen.

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Well, “watched the crap out of 'em” mainly because back then there were only a handful of television channels, and therefore a very limited amount of kid shows airing at a given timeslot. You were probably choosing between one of at most two options for your then age-group.


Yeah, the earlier version was much better.

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Although I don’t remember saying that, I can’t say I disagree. (Sometimes I think you’re annoyed at me for working on the miniseries remake of The Shining or something. Hey, as groundbreaking as Kubrick’s movie was, I still never found it scary.) And you’re right; one can watch Seven Samurai about as easily as watching The Magnificent Seven these days. And I doubt anyone’s been permanently damaged by Van Sant’s Psycho (except maybe Anne Heche’s career).

Certainly not all remakes are wonderful or worthwhile, but I’m generally willing to give 'em a shot. I guess an honest representation of my position would be that no movie is so rarefied and perfect that no-one should even try to remake it. As for TV? Well, god knows someone found room for improvement with Battlestar Galactica, and somebody could have tried the same approach with Land of the Lost and it probably wouldn’t have been nearly the waste of time and effort that the movie ended up being.

I used to watch Sigmund and I liked it fine when I was a kid, for what it was. (That is, not as ambitious as Land of the Lost and not nearly as stupid as Pufnstuf and nowhere near as psychedelic as Lidsville. To this day, I’m sometimes tempted to answer the phone with a “Shello.”)

I’ll give this remake a chance, sure.

All that said, I vastly prefer new and original stories and characters. I do like to imagine what a modern-day telling of The Apartment or The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly would be like with the best of contemporary actors playing those beloved roles, but part of that comes from me being a Theatre Arts major in college, and having a soft spot for revivals and new adaptations. For the most part, I like to see something new rather than something thoroughly rehashed.