My problem with O’Connor’s letter is that it starts out with a faulty premise - that Miley Cyrus actually has talent outside of showing her ass to the camera. She doesn’t. That’s WHY she’s showing her ass to the camera. Taking off your clothes is a cheap and easy way to get publicity when you don’t have any else of interest to offer. Does anyone imagine that her albums would be doing as well if she weren’t courting this “edgy (LOL)” image? Her music is crap, and she knows it, and she’s been a professional in the entertainment industry long enough to know what the remedy to her problem is. Her media assault will continue as long as the public insists on playing her game.
What this all comes down to, if I understand correctly, is that Sinead O’Connor was having some serious issues related to her mental health and asked for help about two years ago. After being criticized (in an honest manner, IMHO) by O’Conner about her recent antics and behavior, Miley Cyrus used a screenshot of these tweets as a way to attack her and compare her to Amanda Bynes. This is really despicable. But it is not defamatory. It is just really, really cruel and bigoted (from a disability perspective). Sinead O’Connor overreacted with the threat to sue and that is now the headline, not the bigotry and hatred from Miley Cyrus. Pity.
You know what public discourse needs? More people insisting that Miley Cyrus’s actions have anything to do with her “sexuality” rather than a canny, if cynical bid for publicity and fame.
Can’t it be both? That’s like saying it’s OK to slut shame strippers because everyone knows they are just doing it for attention and money.
it means self aware for a brief time.
I’m getting that locker room smell again, anyone else?
Yep. The level of nastiness in Cyrus’s response – taking the time to copy and paste in those years old messages from someone obviously in a time of pain and distress – should be the story here.
It’s not about twerking. It’s about what a horrible person Miley Cyrus has revealed herself to be.
Transitive odor. It’ll pass.
[quote=“Geth, post:45, topic:11323”] …a canny, if cynical bid for publicity and fame [/quote]…using a specific presentation of her sexuality. Which is hers to use as she chooses, without being called a slut or worse for it.
[quote=“An eloquent friend of mine”]Stuff like “This is a dangerous world. We don’t encourage our daughters to walk around naked in it because it makes them prey for animals and less than animals…” is rape culture 101. The police say that kind of shit and we respond with Slut Walk, but Sinead says it and it’s ok? Nope.[/quote] (the quote she was citing is direct from Sinead’s original piece)
Yes, synonymish right?
Homonymish? [Edit: No, homophonish.]
“After all, the kind of people who most enjoy Miley Cyrus being attacked are those least likely to empathize with Sinead O’Connor.”
Wrong. I have the greatest respect for Sinead O’Conner as a musician and empathy for what her fame apparently did to her psyche, and despise Miley Cyrus in the same way that the late comedian Bill Hicks despised and brutally cut down her old man–for being a talentless corporate whore dumbing down popular entertainment (it has nothing to do with the younger Cyrus’s gender or sexuality). My only objection to O’Connor’s letter was that she refers to Cyrus as being “talented” when her only real talent is knowing how to shamelessly pander to the lowest common denominator.
I do not think that word means what you etc.
Sure, I agree that calling her a slut is nothing but sexist bullshit. The problem is that in defending this dumb kid, certain feminists refuse to criticize her at all because she’s “presenting her sexuality.” No, she’s taking her clothes off for shock value, and the ample publicity it generates. She’s stripping down and licking hammers, because she posses nothing else of value that would generate sufficient fame, and our culture commodifies the female body. She’s feeding into something deeply fucked-up to for money and fame, and I have nothing but mild contempt for it. The only way to stop it for everyone to get over their silly childishness about the naked human body, but we all know that’s not going to happen any time soon. Also, it’s weird that you’re making an argument that because someone makes a “choice,” no matter what that “choice,” is that we have no right to criticize them for it? Agree that Sinead’s remarks about walking around naked are awful because of what they imply.
I think more to the point is that I get what whomever is saying is trying to say with out pointing out the somewhat pretentious choice of phraseology. I play with the language myself and expect a similar sort of laxity from my readers. Oof, playing the linguist in a pop culture context might be beyond pointless, unless you goal is to seem like a stick in the mud.
I have to admit I did not think, “That is incorrect usage.” It just made sense to me. I guess that makes me more stupids that you, so sorry.
That doesn’t even make sense, dude!
But does it make scents?
Homophonesque - an ersaztish homophon
“sufficient fame” the very idea makes me shiver
I’m famous enough personally
Stripping is a job, pretty sure strippers are in it for the money. I mean, I’m sure there are people who strip as a hobby, but probably not a huge amount. I’m a little tired of lazy people knee-jerk responding to every criticism of Cyrus with “OMG - slut shamingggggg!” No. If she were fucking every single person in a ten mile radius of LA and putting out great music, I would be praising her music and not giving a shit about her personal life. I’m not even criticizing her, as I am a culture that would turn a banal talentless person into a mega-celebrity for no other reason than that they stripped down. That. Is. Fucking. Stupid. That’s also what this sad culture we live in as been reduced to. Is it too much to ask that women artists be valued for their output and put on magazine covers with their clothes on, LIKE MALE ARTISTS ARE? If you think that that there isn’t constant pressure on female artists to turn their bodies to commodities, then you’re pretty naive. It sucks that talented women constantly have to complete with talentless women for magazine space just because the no-talents make sure that the main focus of every photograph is their breasts, and the idiots that dominate the landscape are willing put down money just to see a body part.