Site ranks movies by scariness

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The Ring and Event Horizon have the same rating? I laughed during event horizon, and I could barely be by myself after the ring.


One dimension is not enough - there are different kinds of scare. Slasher movies bore me, but I find a supernatural thriller riveting. YMMV.

Alien is a slasher movie, and while I generally donā€™t care for them it is superb. It holds up surprisingly well even today.

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Alien is a mash up of Old Dark House and Monster story.


No it isnā€™t! It has loads of tropes that define slasher films. The biggest differences are the killer isnā€™t ā€˜humanā€™ enough (although it was born from a human, and Iā€™d argue Freddy and Jason are equally unhuman) and the alien isnā€™t really punishing anyone for moral issues.

It seems I buck the trend some, but I love the layout of the reviews. I hope they get a lot of active contributors because this could make for a great review site.

Does the three ratings cover that (Gore, Disturbing, and Suspenseful)?

They could use a ā€œjumpscareā€ rating though.


I think the layout, at least on my phone, looks great. I should sign up so I can correct some reviews though :smile:

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Jaws is (and always will be) the scariest film I ever saw.

No interest at all in torture porn like Saw / Hostel.

Or I Know Whatā€¦ etc. I donā€™t mind genre stuff like that as long as itā€™s knowing/subversive (thinking of films like Scream, Cabin in the Woods, Final Destinationā€¦).

Iā€™ll take stuff like Alien or The Thing though.

I think Iā€™d probably lean towards the ā€˜disturbingā€™ category. Certainly enjoy films like Rosemaryā€™s Baby and Audition.

I guess I like films by good filmmakers.


So it isnā€™t a horror film per seā€“more of a deconstruction of horror filmsā€“but if you havenā€™t seen Cabin In The Woods stop everything and watch it. It was one of the most surprising films Iā€™ve seen in years, even though a horror film buff could probably predict every scene.


Ninjaā€™ed by @daneel

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They are all modern films too.
I would put The Haunting on the suspense list instead Night Of The Living Dead, which was good for tension but between some bad acting and other things I just didnā€™t find the actual zombie attack parts all that scary.

ā€œAn Inconvenient Truthā€ wins the Gore category.

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The xenomorph is a rapist. And it oviposits in your chest cavity, next to your heart. Your beating, thumping, terrified heart.
The deep darkness of the pysche uses you as a transmission medium, you are made subordinate to it in the most disgusting fashion, it does not quicken you, it does not afford you enlightenment in relation to the true horror of nature. It does not include you in in any but the most cursory, vehicle-like fashion. You are ancillary and give yourself up to it. It uses you as a bag, from which it will destructively erupt.

Giger is a wraith of the highest order.


Yeah, Alien is far more (and far better) than any slasher movie ever made. (Wellā€¦ maybe not ā€œbetterā€ in any quantifiable sense than Psycho, certainly different, but better than any other crazed-rando-with-a-sharp-blade movie.)

Those right there keep it from being a slasher movie. @TobinL has the right of it. Itā€™s a straight-up monster movie set in an Old Darkā€¦ er, spaceship. You might think the way the alien stalks and dispatches its victims one by one is powerfully reminiscent of a slasher movie, but in that sense Alien has more in common with The Thing than it does with, say, Halloween or Friday the 13th.

Slasher movies that treat victims as pure meat, as otherwise valueless commodities with no souls and no utility other than as yolks to nourish the monsterā€™s ravenous youngā€¦ hell, theyā€™re only pale imitations of Alien.

But yeah, I second @japhroaigā€™s recommendation of The Cabin in the Woods. Pretty much every halfway-hardcore horror fan has already seen it, and not everyone loves it, but I think itā€™s a hoot and a half. Itā€™s a meta-commentary on horror movie tropes, even more self-aware than the Scream movies were, and you can tell it was a labor of love and a lot of fun to make.

Oh, and I thought Event Horizon was surprisingly scary. I, at least, was not expecting the turn it took.

To further undermine my credibility, Iā€™ve never found Kubrickā€™s The Shining scary. Groundbreaking and beautifully shot, yes. But not scary. Iā€™m virtually alone in that opinion, I gather.


I am a fan and do like the implications, built toward, that are never quite reached within Event Horizon.

The pay-off is terrible and doesnā€™t live nearly up to the implications of the early parts of the film.

One of the only films where Iā€™ve felt the mis en scene has approached the eldritch horror described by H.P Lovecraft.

It almost got there. But then it failed with fire and barbed wire and maggots.


Topical antibacterial creamā€™ll sort that out mate.


Well, there are also those that the only real slasher films were made between 1978 and 1984. I still think Alien counts since the xenomorph is as human as Freddie, and the moral implications for Ripley while complex are still ā€˜line woman protaganistā€™ enough.

I could happily discuss film for years :slight_smile:

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Yeah I tend to think of slasher films as phychos/supernatural human killers going after a specific type of victim. The alien was just after food/reproductive material and the people were all stuck in the spaceship with it.

On slasher films anyone here seen Suspiria? That is definitely a slasher film, or giallo if you wanna be picky. Decent story, fair to middling acting, wonderful cinematography, eerie atmosphere and amazing music. I need to see it in a theater when a chance presents it.


In a sense, this is true and I donā€™t disagree. But when you consider Gigerā€™s oeuvre and the construction of the film, the xenomorph being the archetype of existential horrror, I think there are waiting, untapped depths to the film that surface only in subconscious, existential horror.

Primarily, as you say, of life, and of reproduction. But more sinisterly, in the the modality of the psyche. That which is destructive in life. The feeding and the parasitism of birth, sure. But more directly in the nature of consciousness in that it serves primarily as a custodian of the vehicle of the genes. The wasteland of consciousness.

But I do think the central aspect includes the primordial archetype of survival employing destruction and death. But more humanly, the perinatal matrices. The violence of birth. The deep, mostly subconscious impact of being birthed, the blood and shit and tearing and, in the case of the film, guaranteed death of the mothering organism. Alien works because Giger considered himself a mage of the deep darkness of the necessity of destruction in life. Feeding on life.

I donā€™t think anything, bar one particular film, has ever approached. Not in any film and not even in Gigers art (perhaps one panel I particularly like, and maybe in his Wine Bottle, label design).

The Thing comes close.

[ETA: Damnit, I canā€™t find the wine label design anywhere, will keep looking]


I have seen Suspiria! My old tape of it was signed by Dario one day when we got to hang out in IIRC 1987. And I saw it in a great cinema as well. I was just a kid then, and would love to be able to ask him different questions now. I recently watched Phenomena, which is the first time I have watched one of his films in a few years, and it held up better than my memory of it. I love the style of his work especially of the 1970s-1980s. Slasher movies bore me because they are all about the formula, which was never even interesting. I like that with giallo, formula is mostly a mere scaffolding for injecting all manner of weird details. I still listen to Goblin a fair amount also, most recently their score to Luigi Cozziā€™s ā€œContaminationā€, which was a pretty unhinged Earth-based pseudo-ripoff/sequel to Alien. Iā€™ve got to say, I have never found Italian horror, giallo, or gore movies to be particularly scary, but at their best they can inspire a fever-dream feeling of gnawing dread and unease.

One of my favorite films which is basically a straight giallo structure taken far out to left field is ā€œLa morte ha fatto lā€™uovoā€ aka ā€œDeath Laid an Eggā€, which is a deadly love triangle among some people farming mutant chickens.