Six cops shoot and kill rapper Willie Bo who was sleeping in a car


In this case, though, it was a racist shitbag saying that this particular black man had it coming. It was with a symphony of dogwhistles, but it was loud and clear.

No one needs to listen to that toxic crap.


It was hard to tell if this was supposed to be sarcasm. If having a gun puts others in imminent danger then the six cops are obviously putting Willie Bo in six times as much imminent danger, as confirmed by how he’s the one who died. But then he says

Now I’m trying to imagine how this might not be racist.


No, he means black people.

And I think this is called projection :film_projector:


Here are some relevant comparisons:


Sometimes, a topjc defies intelligent debate.

Guns in America is one of those topics, in my humble one.

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