Originally published at: Sleep in a far-out UFO that landed in otherworldly Joshua Tree, California | Boing Boing
Is…is that how @Papasan got here?
Nice touch, this:
The UFO crowd out our way in Joshua Tree are breed all their own, best you keep your distance else your going to get the SPACE VIBES as they call it all climbing up in your medulla oblongata.
You’re welcome.
@ClutchLinkey Thanks for the heads up, us believers got’a stick together.
Previously on BB…
Lots of images, videos and links to further resources…
I’m sure there’s more, too.
It’s how he gets his high octane Space Juice delivered.
Do those windows open? Because that seems like something you want in a desert environment.
A good way to degauss those VHS tapes unless those midrange drivers have shielded magnets. (I’m too lazy to look up the speakers to check.)
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