Originally published at: Smart birds foil scientists by helping each other yank off tracking devices | Boing Boing
Isn’t that a bit redundant?
As a researcher, this raises an interesting ethics question. Is removing the tracker analogous to refusing consent? We don’t give non-humans the option of consent, yet these birds have exposed their choice. Do the researchers now have the ethical obligation to comply with the birds choice to no longer participate?
corvids best birds.
True, but Australian magpies ≠ covids. Somewhat related, though.
that’s birbs.
Within ten minutes of fitting the final tracker, we witnessed an adult female without a tracker working with her bill to try and remove the harness off of a younger bird.
Somehow I don’t think I’d get the same amount of appreciation if I went around grabbing folks’ cellphones and smashing them under my feet.
Smart birds foil scientists by helping each other yank off
(What the WHAT?)
…tracking devices
You went there, and I do have some degree of respect for that.
(from the site}: The term “Birds Aren’t Real” refers to biological “Birds” no longer existing on United States soil.
They’re right. How else to explain the billions of foreign birds that bang up against US borders and stopped cold, all organized into a massive tweeting dance line that never enters our airspace.
They could make trackers that were more comfortable or less intrusive, or they could arrange a deal where only birds with trackers could get access to special feeders.
The scientists were gathering data for a future paper: “The Effect of Imposed Autoerotic Cessation on Gymnorhina tibicen”
“They also needed to willingly help other individuals,”
Wow, they proved birds aren’t Republicans.
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