Smartass explains why "Work Intelligent" poster is stupid

Only because he cut one corner too many.

if only Sisyphus realized that if he gave up rolling the rock up hill his rate or rolling rocks up hill over eternity would be unchanged.


Sisyphus, meet Xeno. Xeno, Sisyphus. Have fun you guys.

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Yeah, that’s the -lich or -lijk equivalence to -like though. Friendly < friendlike sort of thing. As you say, a transformer from noun to adjective. That’s the trouble with it. lich/lijk/ly does double duty as a noun-adjectivising ending or as a verb-adverbising one. Humans seem to manage to sort it out though. I think Dutch has just abandoned the use of the adverbial marker where Br E has not (but Am E has). I hadn’t noticed it of German too, but of course you’re right!

How do you ork a cow?

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ha. fair enough



As long as we’re talking about stacking, someone clearly wasn’t thinking when these cubes weren’t provided with pallets.

(I am reminded of an old article that remarked on the preponderance of crates in video games, all of which are curiously lacking in pallets.)

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I don’t know, anytime i’ve heard a person at the management level use this little gem, they had no further advice or detail to share about the idea of how exactly one should “work smarter.” In fact it’s always just a meaningless brush off to the exasperated cry from the laborer “but i already have more work than i can handle!” For this alone, ut deserves ridicule.


Came here to say this. In fact I’ve wondered if the loss of distinguishable adverbial forms in AmE is down to the large influx of Germans that America experienced - although it could well link to regional tendencies in Britain too.

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