Smoking cigarettes to treat asthma was once a thing

Well, terminal cancer will “cure” asthma, eventually.

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“Canker sours”? I thought it was canker sores.


Canker Sours are marked directly to kids.


I am told by people who fume the Devil’s Lettuce, that mixing in some tobacco makes it burn more evenly. If you don’t do that, you may have to keep fiddling and relighting it. If you have a small company rolling asthma cigarettes, it may have been easier to piggyback on the huge experience of the tobacco companies, but leave it off the ingredients list to avoid the eye of the Tobacco Lords.

Does it matter? Burning and breathing any sort of vegetable matter probably gives off a similar mix of partially-combusted hydrocarbons. If you leave out the nicotine, one lot of leaves is probably a lot like another.

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There used to be a stoner legend that tea made from Potter’s asthmatic herbal cigs was potently hallucinogenic, which kind of makes sense, as they had datura in them. However, given the cheapness and reliability of acid at the time, I never tried it (having had some trip reports from friends who have tried datura, I’m not sorry either)

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Peter Tosh does stipulate in the lyrics to “Legalize It” that marijuana is good for treating both asthma and bronchitis, which I always thought was (ahem) a pipe dream.

I guess if you take a big hit and then cough your lungs out for a couple minutes there will be a perceived or short term improvement.

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