So when does an ignore user or downvotes system get implemented?

Well you can easily filter the topic down to just posts by that user. To do this, click any avatar in the topic map at the top of the page:

Expand the topic map to see the complete “cast of characters” for a topic. Click multiple times to filter to multiple users. It’s easy. AND FUN, DAMN IT.

The proper way to do this is frame the discussion in terms of the general pattern of behavior, that could apply to anybody:

  • Do we want to implement a downvote feature? Categorically, absolutely, no we do not. (For the record we view downvotes as antithetical to our mission of civilized discourse, so it is never going to happen.)

  • Do we want warnings when someone posts excessively in a topic? In this case, one user posted 22% of all replies to the topic. That is a lot in my opinion, unless you’re the topic starter and need to address clarifications to the topic, etc. Personally I am a fan of this (as well as other contextual warnings, such as replying excessively to the same user, replying over and over in sequence, and so forth), because it’s just-in-time reminders not to go off the rails.

  • Do we want to implement an ignore user feature? I won’t say it’s never gonna happen, but I am not a fan. First because Ignore is extremely complex from a technical perspective, lots of ways to get it wrong. But the deeper problem is that ignore is treating the symptom, not the disease. If someone is having a bad day, or gets set off by a pet topic now and again, that’s fine, but if a dark cloud follows them around wherever they go – then other remedies are more appropriate. Context.