South Dakota governor blocks voter-approved cannabis legalization

like every other single principle they purport to hold, it crumbles in the face of their one and only true principle: rules for thee, but not for me.


That just makes me sad. The post is meant to be a Gen X filter. Anyone coming of age before and during Just Say No^ would, hopefully, spot the biting sarcasm and be amused.

^ Especially anyone who grew up in South Dakota during that time. The gullibility and stupidity of the average adult was just astounding.


This is shitty, but it’s not even like she needed legal loopholes, I don’t think. Our previous Governor (Paul LePage) blocked a number of voter-approved initiatives (medicaid expansion and ranked-choice voting, to name 2) for years, basically until he was out of office, because he just didn’t like them and there wasn’t enough of a majority in the state congress to overcome him.


It was meant as friendly confirmation/agreement. Sorry.

I’m a '66 vintage, BTW.

Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose. Astounding and appalling. Still nowhere near enough critical thinking is displayed by our fellow supposedly adult humans.


That’s just it!

A nanny might indulgently coddle your desire for treats; so legalizing something recreational risks turning into a nanny state; but a nanny is much less likely to kick down your door in the middle of the night, flashbang you; and then do some creative counting to upgrade you from simple possession to possession with intent; so as long as it remains a police matter the nanny state has clearly been averted!


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