Soylent's new liquid form is “spermy,” and the guy behind it is a little creepy

If you think other people are pissed, you should see what @Rindan’s like when the topic comes up.


I always love it when someone agrees entirely with an argument, and then at the end decides to revert to their old view because while yes, the argument was factually correct, they really didn’t like the presentation.

My older sister is a bigot. She is a hardcore burn the gays and the liberals are out to repress my ability to repress others sort. She also isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, so chopping up her arguments as to why being a bigot is totally ok is pretty easy. It is easy to the point where even she realizes her arguments are starting to sound stupid in her ears. I do recall one point when her face really lite up because she thought she had a killer argument. I am a pro tolerance guy. If you are not hurting someone or forcing yourself on someone, I am pretty cool with live and let live. Anyways, she suddenly pointed at me and excitedly declared, “You are intolerant of intolerance!” She was so excited that she thought she had found my kryptonite. Well, until I agreed with her. I am in fact pretty intolerant of intolerance. I am also pretty intolerant of Nazis, murders, rapist, and all sorts of people.

Yup, it turns out that I think people people who spews anger, vitriol, and ad hominem attacks on a dude sharing his own personal exploration and experimentation of alternate forms of reducing his foot print while still enjoying his life makes me sad and kind of disgusted at my fellow humans. Oh no! You found my hypocrisy! Intolerant of intolerance and angry and disgusted at angry vitriol assholes kicking at a guy for sharing his experiments in alternate life styles! I have so many weaknesses and hypocrisies! How shall live!


He has just invented a new simulated money shot for softcore porn shoots.

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The first part of your comment stands, its good.

But the second part is comically vitriolic.

Anyway, that’s the sum of my thoughts on your post, I’m not getting into a pissing match over it. My editorial advice is to delete the last 4 paragraphs, and you’ve got a best seller on your hands.

Feel free to tell me where to shove my advice, you seem comfortable doing that! :smiley:


It might just be all those rotting ingredients in your fridge and pantry.


Obsessive behavior oriented at a strange goal.
Clear indications that the guy has serious aversions towards the smell and taste of some foods

I think it’s a little unkind to call it creepy when the guy’s one half hour consultation away from a formal diagnosis for something relatively harmless (to others, that is).


This was about Soylent (the most unimaginative name ever)? I took it to be about crazy rich white founder privilege more than anything else.

Seriously image this same post coming from a guy who cant sell a product called “Soylent” and tapping into everything that word means.

It’s impossible to disengage from our modern infrastructure entirely. You can only do it by degrees. But this guy actually set and then met an objective benchmark: he let his 120VAC utility connection be disconnected while still living a family modern lifestyle.

And resorted to such extreme and strange means to do it that his essay can only be interpreted as a proof of concept, and not as a solicitation for anyone to follow in his footsteps.

I really don’t get the rage here.

Not that I’d do this. I’m not disgusted by the guy, but the prospect of drinking silent I do find pretty revolting.

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Bullshit. All off the criticism I’ve seen has been at him being a huge entitled douche claiming that really stupid shit can somehow change the world. Soylent is just an example of such.

Edit: Hack your life all you want! Discover! Explore! But sounding like a dickbag will still get people to call you a dickbag.


We’ve had that covered for some time now, but not everyone likes it for some reason.


Silence Heretic! Soylent 2.0 is arrived, long live the new flesh! :grin:

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It’s just all the hypocrisy behind talking about saving energy by not having a refrigerator or AC in one breath and talking about going out to restaurants and hiring Uber to cart him around in the next breath. It’s like Thoreau bragging about being self-reliant in his little cabin by the pond and not getting that having his laundry done by the Emersons and eating with them kind of defeats the point.


I think the creepiness is a bit deeper than just his commercializing of an eating disorder.

This is unhinged:

Yes, all you lesser “normals” going to grocery stores are pack animals wallowing in a revoting and putrescent nightmare that creepy Rob is above now in his food-hating neurotic purity.

Also Rob wouldn’t wish the horror of going to a grocery store on anyone, but the Chinese girls slaving in sweatshops so he can dispose of his clothes after one wearing, no prob. (I get the sense that he sees his clothes as having picked up some unspeakable miasma that cleaning could never remove).

The haughtiness in the tone of the thing, the effeteness, the disdain for normal life, the neurotic obsessions with purity and uncleanliness, along with the fact that the whole thing is effectively an ad for an eating disorder as a paid lifestyle that he’s marketing all add up to serious creepiness. Everything the guy writes reeks of narcissism.


Christ, we’re arseholes!


No, this is pretty stereotypical for someone suffering from Asperger’s Syndrome.

That set of sensory experiences with which they just cannot deal, and will go to great lengths to avoid, sometimes incurring nutritional deficiencies in the process.


Not bullshit. Look no further than the comment thread for the Newitz article under discussion here.

@albill My logic’s rusty, but this is an “ad hominem” attack, right? You’re attacking the person instead of his arguments.



His goal was to give up utility power and only use solar. If you want that and still want a fridge, you need a big, expensive battery bank and fancy inverters.

So instead he’s mimicking a pattern that’s common in remote areas in Africa and other places: some devices can run in your home, and others have to run in a communal setting because they need more juice than your home can provide. When people do that, are they also hypocritical?


Soylent is the most unimaginative name ever? I call it brilliant marketing (I mean, here we all are, discussing it), and a clever double-allusion to boot. (On the one hand, everyone knows the film version in which “Soylent Green is people,” but fewer know that the Soylent from Harry Harrison’s novel “Make Room! Make Room!” wasn’t made of people, but was simply a universal food ration – like the actual Soylent Rhinehart has created.) Rhinehart has discussed both these meanings in interviews and writings.


I’m a mild aspie, I perfectly understand sensory sensitivity. I have to get out of the room when a vacuum cleaner turns on, since I feel pain in my spine. But I don’t call neurotypicals Donkeys, or misattribute my sensitivity with miasma - there is no “rotting flesh” in grocery stores, that would be like me saying vacuums were weapons attacking me, it just makes things worse by misframing the problem. Rob’s being an arrogant dick sneering at normal people, and also making things worse for himself by neurotically misattributing disgusting qualities to what he’s experiencing. It’s creepy. Also the guy could probably use a therapist.