Spaaaaace (Part 1)

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SpaceX’s Starlink satellite broadband constellation to achieve full global coverage by September, boss claims

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USA’s efforts to stop relying on Russian-built rocket engines derailed by issues with Blue Origin’s BE-4

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Meanwhile in Russia.


Intrepid squid mission may help in kraken riddle of why zero-g makes astronauts sick

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Spacey McSpaceface: Artemis takes shape ahead of ‘2021’ launch – but first you need to name the crash-test dummy

Despite no humans being present on the first Artemis mission, NASA does intend to pack its own version of SpaceX’s Starman or Blue Origin’s Mannequin Skywalker into the capsule to gather data for astronauts. Currently called “Moonikin”, NASA is currently seeking suggestions for names for the hope-it-doesn’t-crash-test dummy.

Sadly, the selection appears to be via bracket challenges (and the names of two torso mock-ups accompanying it have already been picked – Zohar and Helga). A shame, since the current leaders ACE (Artemis Crew Explorer), Campos and Delos lack a certain something when compared to the inevitable Moony McMoonface.

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Aliens From 1,715 Stars Could’ve Seen Earth Over the Past 5,000 Years, Study Suggests

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This guy…

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Hubble Space Telescope may now depend on a computer that hasn’t booted since 2009


Over the next quarter century, China wants to set up a permanent base on Mars for “large scale development of the Red Planet,” and install a sci-fi carbon-nanotube elevator to shuttle goods between the surface and spacecraft in orbit.

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The horses are on the track! Place your bets!

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Bezos v Branson: Battle of the wannabe Space Barons as Virgin Galactic cleared by FAA to start flying customers

A pair of rich white men look set to duke it out at the edge of space after Virgin Galactic was given the green light by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to fly customers to space.


Hubble’s cosmic science is mind-blowing, but its soul celebrates something surprising about us

Hubble memory errors persist despite NASA booting long-idle backup payload computer

NASA’s InSight lander expected to survive most of summer before choking to death on Martian dust

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Astroboffins from Queen’s University Belfast reckon the clouds that swirl around Jupiter might contain enough water to support “Earth-like” life.

That’s just one of the conclusions of a study published in Nature Astronomy which looked at the concentrations of water in planetary clouds.

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Watch the moment China’s Zhurong rover lands on Mars, hear it truckin’ for the first time

The China National Space Administration has released videos and pictures of its first Mars rover scooting around on the surface of the Red Planet.

Hubble telescope in another tight spot: Between astrophysicists sparring over a ‘dark matter deficient’ galaxy

Never mind memory errors from radiation. Another deteriorating part of the decades-old Hubble Space Telescope has found itself in a jam. This time its camera unit is once again in the middle of a clash between scientists over whether or not the galaxy NGC 1052-DF2 contains any dark matter.