Spanish road has exciting obstacle for unwary motorists

They look like cat’s eyes


That looks right to me too. Probably not the best in daylight and holy molly imagine that this was your only warning that a road was going to severely not do what you expect a road to do!!

It is now fixed! :joy:

Source: Imgur: The magic of the Internet

Edit to add: Here’s a video filmed just yesterday: La calle del 'picoesquina' en Cartagena - YouTube


Reminds me of traveling in Mexico at night in the olden days. They would have two or three smudge pots to warn you that a big, dead truck with no lights was blocking the one traffic lane ahead.
Perhaps we’re spoiled in the USA by having had all those lawyers sue all those DOTs to put up proper warning signage.

I rented from the Somerville U-Haul a few times, and I remember needing to initial something acknowledging that I would not drive on Storrow Drive.


Yeah, there’s quite a few U-can-openers every year which complicates problems since they now have to shut down a major thoroughfare into the campuses for hours. I came to Boston for schooling with a huge duffel and a carry-on via plane then the T. Why anyone would drive around here on or near 9/1 just boggles my mind. And if your kid needs more stuff than can fit in a massive duffel and personal bag, then maybe you haven’t kicked them out of the nest hard enough yet :slight_smile:

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