WATCH: Speed bump overdose



In spanish, or at least in Venezuela we call speed bumps Policia Acostado. Which can either translate to sleeping policeman or laying policeman

And in South Africa, traffic lights/signals are “robots”.

Man, I hate speed bumps and often fantasize about bulldozing them. That, and when they are in residential areas, honking my horn as I go over them for added safety.

Of course I don’t. I do think they fall into the class of punishing the innocent to reign in a few problem folk, but those problems are unfortunately real, and can have sever consequences. Still, I can’t think of any reason of have the 5 bump horror in the video.

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I’m guessing this is right around the corner from a place that does suspension and shock absorber repairs…


The trick with speed bumps is to go fast enough to overcome the lower harmonic damping range. At 70 or so, you probably wouldn’t even notice those bumps.


‘Sleeping Policemen’. That’s a term I haven’t heard in a long while. Yes, they were called that. I am not sure when we stopped. I suppose, when they become common, we went from the 5-syllable term to the 2-syllable one.

I remember having an old Land Rover Mk 2. The old Land Rovers had leaf spring suspension with no shock absorbers. A regular burst of those things could just get a Land-Rover bouncing up and down until the machine felt it might roll. The only fix was to take them at speed.

In southern Mexico in small towns people install them on roads kind of randomly, and often without any signage, at least that my gringo self could find. It got to the point where we’d try to get behind another car which we’d call the “minesweep” so we’d have warning before hitting some mound of dirt that someone took it upon themselves to pile onto the road in the name of slowing the traffic down.

But I don’t think we ever saw a quintuple speedbump like this. This is just completely absurd and I’m amazed that any municipality allowed it to be installed.

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In Rhode Island we call them Coffeemilk Bubblers. Not sure why.


I prefer speed humps. Not in small part because it is funny to see “speed humps” on signs.

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What do you call Turkeys?

Anyway, about my washtub. I'd just used it that morning to wash my turkey, which in those days was known as... ...a walking-bird. We'd always have walking-bird on Thanksgiving, with all the trimmings: cranberries, injun eyes, yams stuffed with gunpowder. Then we'd all watch football, which in those days was called baseball...

and… have you ever worn an onion on your belt?

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Land Stuffies.


You folks drink “Coffee Cabinets” as well. As far as I’m concerned, all terminology from Rhode Island is suspect.


Whenever I see one of those signs, I always harken back to the good old days when speed just killed.

All the winos drinking to a methylated God
All the sleeping policemen who go by the Book of Plod…

Halfbakery: Custard-filled Speed Bumps

In New Zealand we call such things ‘judder bars’. Yet another thing Aussies laugh at us about.

In Rhode Island ‘judder bars’ are strip clubs.


We call those “grounds for a ruinous lawsuit.”

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A product of speed dating?