Special counsel Jack Smith appeals Judge Cannon dismissing Trump's classified documents case

Originally published at: Jack Smith appeals ruling tossing Trump documents case


It’s also nice that this will be decided by the 11th Circuit. If had been under the 5th, the Honourable Toady Cannon’s horrible decision would likely have been endorsed by another level of the judicial system. Now there’s a chance she’ll get the well-deserved humiliation of being forced to recuse herself.


What I don’t understand is why did it take so long for the appeal? I expected this almost immediately after the ruling.


mountains of evidence, phone and text records of the conspiracy, and the defendant’s own admission that he should be able to take whatever he wanted was just too much for cannon. she knew the only way to end this case was on a very questionable ruling, and she bravely went for it. what a transparent hack. she should not only be forced to recuse herself but also sanctioned.


My guess is that Smith is very deliberate in putting together his cases. He’s not a guy who likes to lose, so he wants all his ducks in a row before he starts.

On the other hand, he wasn’t going to wait so long that he’d risk Biff winning the election with the case still undecided. Like Harris, he’s a prosecutor who knows exactly what kind of scumbags he’s going up against.

So filing just before Labour Day seems about right.


Rather pointed reference:

For more than 150 years, Attorneys General have appointed special counsels to investigate and prosecute some of the nation’s most consequential cases. This “deeply rooted tradition of appointing an outside prosecutor to run particular federal investigations,” Brett M. Kavanaugh, The President and the Independent Counsel, 86 Geo. L.J. 2133, 2142-43 (1998), further confirms the lawfulness of the Special Counsel’s appointment.


I sincerely hope that she is taken off of the case. But either way, Trump will appeal the ruling to the Supremes and Thomas, at least, would DEFINITELY try to pick up this case and rule that against Jack Smith’s appointment.


One of the most frustrating things about the United States Judicial system is that the wheels move so incredibly slowly, even when the facts in the case are so incredibly obvious. Judge Cannon is incredibly unqualified, biased, and in over her head, and she’s clearly acting as a direct agent of Trump. She’s not even trying to hide it. I know that Jack had to have everything in immaculate order before he appealed, but it’s just killing us all to wait so fucking long.


It will go to the SCOTUS either way but with the circuit court backing Smith it will make Thomas’ and Alito’s jobs a lot more difficult. They’re getting more brazen in their partisanship and, being corrupt themselves, they no doubt hate the idea of special counsels themselves. However, the ruling from the 11th (as opposed to the 5th) means their own decision won’t necessarily be teed up in advance.


Amazingly frustrating how ■■■■■ can get the cases against him twisted around in knots so they end up being against the courts themselves (Fani in Georgia, Smith, guess he couldn’t dig enough up about Bragg or James, and he’s still griping about Merchan/Engoron). Guess his lawyers are earning the fees they’ll never see.


Not always a bad thing considering how much of the judicial system has been working for TFG…


What’s Cannon going to do if/when the Tangerine Cheato loses the election? She’ll have no upside to supporting him because he will not be able to do anything as a civilian to benefit her. He’ll cast her aside and I have no doubt she will reciprocate to save her career, such as it is.
The GOP wants to get rid of him and his GQP so they can actually do politics the way they did it previously - still detestable but without a golden toilet seat around their necks.


Whatever the hell she wants, which is the perk of being a lifetime appointment on the federal bench. Maybe she’ll decide to cut him loose, but I suspect she’ll still protect his interests because those still align with hers and a lot of powerful people in that district.

If he wins, she’s golden. If he loses, her worst case scenario is spending the next 35 years making terrible rulings to benefit the people she favors. Hell of a system we have.



If we had a POTUS and an AG that really went after political corruption in this country, there would be an awful lot of governmental positions in jeopardy: Local, State, and National.
Expect both the GOP and the MAGAts to fight it, tooth & nail.

IANAL, but it seems to me that the classification status of those documents is irrelevant, except in regards to leveling possible espionage charges against Lord Dampnut in addition to possession.
This is an open and shut case, after all.
He was in possession of Government Property and refused to relinquish said property… in fact, took measures to hide it from investigators.

There are no ‘extenuating circumstances’, no immunity, no nothing.
The trial shouldn’t take more than a fucking day, FFS!

EDIT: cfs


… IOKIYAR extenuates everything :face_with_monocle:


According to SCOTUS:

  • when he was still president he told someone “put this shit in a box to be taken with me to Mar a Lago” that was an official act
  • it then ceased being evidence, because blah blah immunity
  • thus, the evidence you saw in his bathroom and ballroom wasn’t real

Conspiracy Theory Drone GIF

I’m surprised Cannon didn’t use this argument instead of the “Smith isn’t a valid special counsel”.




Yeah, well, the SCOTUS is on the list of ‘corrupted individuals/organizations’.
I wouldn’t be surprised if at least one of 'em babbles Russian when they are asleep… “Nyet, Vlad! …Blyat!” … >twitch< ,… snore


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