Spies, Lies and Realpolitik

U.S. intelligence agencies say Russia likely behind hacking of government agencies



Project Gutenberg’s link still works. The CIA’s link takes you to a “black page”. :fearful:

I think we do need to emphasize that this is not a management handbook, rather an “anti-management” handbook. I’ve been enough places that use some of these tips as guiding principals… :thinking: :persevere:


Had to have a giggle about this one…

The thinktank also raised concerns that one of the members of the research team had left the UK and now worked for Chinese engineering giant Huawei in Shenzen, near Hong Kong in mainland China. Armstrong accused MI5 of making a misjudgment in its vetting procedures for the project and displaying “a wider naivety” over China.

They go on to claim that the research was published in fully anyhow, so “it doesn’t matter.”

Yeah… spoken like someone who hasn’t spent much time replicating other people’s research results. I can count on one hand the mathematical papers where I’ve done an implementation and not had to correct something in the math as published. The background required for engineering application implementations is often extensive, specific and frustratingly difficult to replicate.


I hope this isn’t an incoming test for Biden’s administration.


It’s not me, it’s them…

I’m guessing that Putin is well aware of NATO / US responses via trump and is carefully going to walk into Kyiv while the world watches. I hope that I’m wrong. I’d like to go back to Kyiv some day. It’s a beautiful city.


I doubt the current ambition is that extensive. Long term, maybe. I’d look for him seizing the south-eastern side in a mad dash, grabbing the “ethnic Russian” areas. He will stay in areas he has a lot of local support to avoid an instant quagmire. There are a lot of people suffering in the Donbass area, and a great many blame the Ukrainian government.

There’s ceasefire expiring tomorrow. I’d guess what we are seeing, after the situation explodes thereafter, is a “peacekeeping” force. Hitler is very concerned about the Sudetenland, you know?


Mission accomplished?

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Poppies are about to get much more popular.

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MI5 wants to shed its cocktail-guzzling posho image – so it’s opened an Instagram account

British domestic spy agency MI5 wants to dispel the idea it is staffed by martini-quaffing layabouts who spend implausible amounts of time lounging around top-end bars and hotels. It has therefore opened an Instagram account.
MI5 chief Ken McCallum said in a statement about @mi5official: “You can insert your own joke about whether we will be following you.”

It’s hard to say. What was the mission, exactly?

Peace, Joy, Pancakes?


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Nation with military bases all over the world complains about military base