SPLC finally adds male supremacists to hate groups list

On the bright side, at least he wouldn’t be Incel then.


I hope this means IRL.

Would that make him an Inuncel (involuntary un-celibate)?

Heh. If we’re measuring with the same yardstick they use to measure Women with it’d just be, “A few minutes of action”.

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You have understood correctly.

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So i read the original article from this Roosh v guy. Its satirical, in as swiftian eat the poor sense, in the same manner as someone here used advocating for male castration. A rather obnoxious thought experiment.

Check out the rest of his writing and I think you might see a trend.


Has anyone broken down Darwin Award statistics by gender? I can’t help but think that the boys outnumber the girls.


Does anybody have a 5 word description of what “tradwife” is? I don’t want it in my Google history given the context.

Would I be right in assuming it is part of treating other human beings as property instead of people?

Also, holy shit at that “rape should be legal on your property” nonsense. The only context in which I can make that work in my head is if you have zero empathy for fellow human beings. In other words Roosh V is a straight up sociopath.


There may have been a time when an edgelord could get away with claiming “oh, I’m just being an ironic Nazi” as a defense. Those days are over, as Quinn Norton also recently discovered.

Just as no-one who’s familiar with @the_borderer’s comment history here would take their statement above as a serious prescription, no-one who’s familiar with Roosh V’s career as preserved on the Internet would assume that the following tweet (in response to being listed by the SPLC) is mere satire:


Don’t believe me? Read the follow-up comments from his fans.

I’d imagine it’s short for “traditional wife”, so a four-word description with this crowd would probably be “barefoot and pregnant chattel.”


Barefoot and pregnant house wife.

Thats even five!


Or at least half of them.

@Missy_Pants for the win!


I doubt they have much actual empathy for other men either.


If only he was actually Incel.

He’s written about raping women in other countries, and been accused of rape by an Icelandic woman although there is no recourse for the accuser:

"While walking to my place, I realized how drunk she was. In America, having sex with her would have been rape, since she couldn’t legally give her consent. It didn’t help matters that I was relatively sober, but I can’t say I cared or even hesitated.

I won’t rationalize my actions, but having sex is what I do.

If a girl is willing to walk home with me, she’s going to get the dick no matter how much she has drunk. …"


In Swift’s case the satire of “A Modest Proposal” was intended to illustrate how the poor were being treated like animals already. I perused the article and see no evidence the thought experiment is to show that women should be treated with respect. What he’s really doing is making an apology being an apologist for date rape by painting in the same kinds of broad strokes he accuses feminists of using.

As someone commented on his blog :
“Its like “A Modest Proposal” if “A Modest Proposal” was written about how terribly oppressed the English were by the Irish wanting the English to stop keeping them oppressed, persecuted, harassed, and in dire poverty.”

He thinks males are oppressed because there are very rare cases where a woman falsely accuses a man of rape, dismisses rape in general, and ignores all the oppression women regularly endure. It’s a completely bullshit argument.

(edited for clarity)



What a disgusting attitude. It boggles my mind that anybody would give this asshole time of day, much less walk home with him. I’m guessing his pickup line doesn’t include the tidbit about how he cares only about his dick and nothing else.


He’s also described raping a woman in her sleep instead if waking her up to see if she might actually be interested in having sex again.

Apparently “protecting your body” would have to include locking yourself in another room to sleep after sex.


It’s called “the toxic side-effects of testosterone.”


Being serious, it’s called “Your car insurance is expensive as hell until you’re 25” if you’re a guy.


Certainly not the ones who don’t conform to their idea of masculinity.

One of the most obvious tells that the “Men’s Rights” movement is not remotely analogous to Feminism is that Feminist movements are largely (albeit not universally) supportive/inclusive of lesbians but the guys advocating “Men’s Rights” are openly hostile to the rights of gay men.