SPLC finally adds male supremacists to hate groups list

Oh, hell yes, and make that 30 if it’s a sports car, speaking from personal experience. I had an eight-year-old '81 RX-7 back in the day. My insurance rates dropped a great deal when I ditched it in favor of a brand-new pickup truck, in spite of the truck having comprehensive coverage vs. liability-only for the RX-7. Never mind that sports-car handling saved my ass one night when an idiot decided to make a left turn into my path.


When I got married I switched over to my wife’s car insurance plan. My bill dropped from $3000 for one car to $300 for two.

The insurance industry may be corrupt and reprehensible, but they do know something about risk tables.


Roosh V. has for years nowsaid that the “legalize rape” words were a kind of satire or thiught experiment, and not intended as a serious policy prescription.

I don’t like him, but don’t find this claim implausible. Bernie Sanders I believe wrote trubking things about rape once, ehich he later dismissed in the same way. Sam Seder recently joked about being in favor of child rape.

Do other commenters think Roosh V. was setious, or simply that the words said whether seriously or not are simply too offensive to others’ feelings?

P. S. Apologies for typos, written under challenging conditions.

That’s a typical fascist ploy: claim he didn’t mean it when he really means it quite seriously. Example from George W. Bush: “If this were a dictatorship it’d be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I’m the dictator.” Our current orange-tinted shitshow has too many examples to list.


Maajid Nawaz is another ridiculous inclusion on that list, he’s currently suing them. Ironically he had to sue Reuters for defamation in the past because they called him a terrorist, he won.


Will a fist bump work?
(Working on year 15.)


[Re-posting initial comment caught in clean-up]

In addition to places to spew misogyny, MRA, PUA, PUA-hate, incel, and similar forums are major early-stage recruiting grounds for white supremacists and alt-right types. I’m glad the overlap in the Venn diagram of bitter white male losers is becoming more defined with decisions like this.

[ETA: of course, the comeback from MRAs and their supporters would be that we should consider that some of their points have merit, to which I’d answer]

Not if they’re constantly burying their supposed gems in a stinking heap of rape apologism, racist canards about black men, pseudo-scientific woo, cherrypicked and nutpicked evidence for their positions, denialism of economic realities, reduction of relationships to financial transactions (complete with chattel), clumsy fallacies, etc. I’d say Pareto would apply in their case, except for the fact that far more than 80% of their “arguments” fall under those and similar categories.


Even if we accept that claim, which he didn’t make until after attracting the public eye, the thrust of his words are that rape victims, not rapists are responsible for their rapes. Rich words coming from a self-professed PUA misogynist who has written about rape abroad and guides for other would-be predators.


Don’t forget to throw the MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) movement into this cesspit.


Guess what?

I don’t care whether he actually ‘meant it in his heart of hearts,’ or not; the damage of his words is done.

Other predatory dudes read those words, believed them, maybe even acted on them.

“Roosh” said it himself; he cannot even be trusted to walk a woman home. By his own words, he admitted that he’s a likely threat to a woman’s safety, even under the most platonic of circumstances.

Schoedinger’s Rapist becomes a lot easier to identify when a guy conveniently outs himself with no coercion from anyone else.


Well of course, because he knows it would never pass (at least not as long as women still have the right to vote, and he thinks that right should be taken away, so . . . .)

I would counter his “thought experiment” with my own: if such a law were to pass, do you think Roosh Valizadeh would be outraged and call for its immediate repeal?

I doubt it.


I always see those guys online talking about how they’re totally gonna go their own way! And then we’ll all be sorry! They’re gonna do it! Any second now!

I wish they’d get the heck on with it already.


From his writing Roosh V. seems to think women exist for his sexual pleasure and not much else. If he’s going to treat women like objects he should just cut to the chase and invest in a harem of “Real Dolls.”

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And they seem to be quite generous with “sports car,” e.g. a Honda Accord.

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I haven’t heard of this and given the context I’m afraid to google it.

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It was a movement started by a guy at a MRA meeting in a fake mustache and a down-pitched feminine voice who said, “Hey, you know what would really show those b*tches? If we just left them alone and never went near them again.”


I do so fervently hope that’s true. And in that case, I’m totally on board with what @manybellsdown said! :rofl:

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"All over the world, straight men are making the conscious decision not to be involved with women.

This isn’t a decision in any sort of metaphorical sense. These men are literally cutting women out of their lives, completely. It’s not a spiritual choice—like becoming ordained as a Catholic priest—nor is it a socioeconomic problem, like Japan’s herbivore men. It is more of an ideological celibacy, one that crosses both national borders and religious divides. And the basic reason is the slow crawl toward gender equality.

They are called Men Going Their Own Way (or MGTOW, pronounced “mig-tow”) and they have a serious problem with feminism. To them, the feminist movement has all but ruined our society, and it just doesn’t make sense to participate in the dating game because women have been, in their eyes, programmed to ruin a man’s life. Around every corner they seem to see one-dimensional women who are just out to take their well-earned money and stick them with kids who aren’t theirs.

Also false rape accusations: They are fucking terrified of those gosh-darn prevalent false rape accusations.

At first glance, it’s easy to lump MGTOW in with typical Men’s Rights Activists (MRAs) who also believe that female oppression is a myth and that it’s actually males who are oppressed—but that’s not the case. The two groups differ significantly in how they make sure those tricky, tricky women don’t pull any of their devious tactics. While MRAs are out to fix the problem through action and activism, members of MGTOW hold self-preservation above all else, and because of this the majority of the community seems to have decided to bow out."


Probably a lot easier when there weren’t any women who wanted anything to do with you in the first place.