"Spock" turns down XXX role


Searches the Intertron

Great. Now I need to re-watch the Clown Porn DVD to rinse my mind out.


SmashMartian, you complete me.

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This reminds me of the first issue of Hustler I ever saw, which featured Spock and Uhura look-alikes having an intimate encounter on the Enterprise bridge.

I don’t know what it says about me that the most interesting thing about the photo spread was how accurate the set was.


Probably was the set.

Oh, there are numerous star trek parody porns. I have derived this information statistically in that a) I wasn’t looking for star trek parody porns and b) I have seen the covers of two completely separate ones despite point a. :tada:

I’m just saying if I was a big enough fan of Spock to cosplay him that accurately owing to my love for his character :dancers: If I didn’t love his character but enjoyed making money while not wearing clothes, that would be a different story. It seems like the producers were barking up the wrong tree.

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