Squishy robots learn to bend, stretch and squirm on command

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/05/23/squishy-robots-learn-to-bend-stretch-and-squirm-on-command.html

Oh, wait, I’ve seen this one!




Imagine a slime-like robot that can seamlessly change its shape to squeeze through narrow spaces, which could be deployed inside the human body…

the teledildonics folks are on it…


The new technology adoption profile always has the military first and the porn/sex industry close behind.


Rubber shoe industry: We’re chopped liver, but we’ve been bled out since March! Er… We’ve been thick in talks between hallucinating AI and the hallucination suppression efforts we’ve collectively been calling Darth Vader since then, and would like to know how you are on your plans to jump 60 times your height using special shoes? I mean, we’ve got shoes that can do it a few thousand times unaided, but understand that 8x is pretty good and you might weigh 130 kg?

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