Stanford professor explains how to deal with assholes

I prefer to deck the bitch.


Serious question: have you ever tried this and did it work?

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Serious answer, yes. I pretty much went for broke on the nose-picking option - it’s a trick that a lesbian co-worker shared with me, I didn’t think of it myself.

I’m too old and ugly to get sexually harassed any more, but that wasn’t always the case. It’s been very rare, though, because I’m male - I imagine the average woman has had to endure a thousand times as much.

Everybody’s an asshole sometimes. Some are full time assholes.

The trick is, avoid the people who are full-time assholes.
The problem is, there’s a lot of them out there. Make it part of your life’s mission to avoid them if given a choice. If forced to stay with an asshole by life’s circumstances, try to ignore them. As a survivor of all the major stress-related illnesses, I can confidently say that the stress of finding another job or a new vocation is WAY less than working in toxic environments.
Walk away, turn your back, ignore the vitriol, and if you can’t, then answer with kindess or surreality. Either will confuse them.


I asked because I didn’t have much success with it. Prentending to have a disease did make one guy angry enough to call me a bitch and throw his drink in my face. I guess he didn’t believe me.

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Ugh, you have my sympathies… I hope somebody made him sorry, at least. Well, sorrier, he was clearly already a sorry specimen.

Too bad @KathyPartdeux wasn’t there!

Thank you.


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