Stephen Bannon fooled Trump into signing executive order that gave him national security role

“Accumulation of data” - what an odd phrase. It makes me think of data drifting down and piling up like snow or dead leaves.


not only reading issues, could be actual dyslexia

i had to work with a guy for a couple of years who was a raging narcissist and dyslexic, and trump’s resemblance to that schmo is uncanny / nauseating


Not the first time he’s posted something to that effect either. He still can’t accept that he lost the popular vote even though that has no bearing on whether or not he gets to be President.


He actually fits my personal stereotype of “business person” to a T. He likely uses ALL CAPS WITHOUT PUNCTUATION in emails - that is, when he can be bothered to even write one. Most “dealer & wheeler” types I’ve met are profoundly anti-intellectual - they live in a world of secretaries, advisors, presentations, handshakes, dinners and golf rounds, where it’s all about exploiting the gullible by talking him into giving you his money. Reading contracts is for the lawyers you hire.

Real estate in particular is full of these; because you need very little literacy to see if a building looks nice, and parlay and street smarts will take you a long way. It’s a world of nice shoes and shallow heads. I wonder what sector he worke- oh wait


He’s kind of like Gríma Wormtongue, but if Saruman was the one who manipulated the election to put King Théoden in power to begin with. And also if Théoden was a bigoted moron who lived in a lavish tower adorned with his name in giant gold runes.


I agree.
I understand that #PresidentBannon is trending, maybe we need an accompanying #AssistantPresidentTrump.


That “any” jumped out at me, too. Not “I saw polls that were wrong” or “I believe people support me” or even “polling can’t be trusted”; he’s overtly saying it isn’t possible for people to disagree with him.


I’ll guess undiagnosed dyslexia.


If somebody doesn’t already have a satire of “Goodnight Moon” re-written to be Steve Bannon reading to Trump, they need to.

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The video of him being compelled to read in court and using every hackneyed ploy to avoid it: “I forgot my glasses.” “It basically says this.” “It’s really long; do you really want me to read it?” is really disconcerting. He’s clearly signaling with his eyes to his lawyer with a plea for help. He’s saying, “Remember it’s your job to not allow it to be known that I can’t read.”

Here’s that footage


“President Apprentice” is the worst reality show ever. Cancel it now.



It’s kind of inevitable that would be an issue in a bureaucracy so large. It’s really just a matter of degree that we’re appalled.


I’ve seen students bait professors into their favorite topic so the professor wouldn’t have time to talk about the day’s subject. A variation on their strategy could be useful. Who can stay awake for 23 hours a day for four years and is really good at baiting?


Hmm…maybe it’s not an issue of reading but of seeing. Didn’t he recently keep asking for Rudolph Giuliani who was right in front of him?


The Fool and Death can be handled. It’s The Happy Squirrel that really rattles my cage…


My theory as to why Trump keeps his kids so close is because they are the only people he trusts to read things that are before him, and tell him what they actually say/mean. It even strikes me as quite obvious that this is a big part of why he keeps them so close. Yes, I think Trump is largely illiterate, and whether this is due to learning disabilities, lack of interest, both, or another factor, it still amounts to the fact that the man does not read, thus he is functionally illiterate.


You beat me to it, since it’s slower to compose comments in Photoshop.

Saruman being Putin in the imperfect slightly clumsy metaphor.


Actually, that idea has crossed my mind. Progressives had become too complacent under Obama. Obama was far from perfect, but at least under him one could imagine a slow but steady move towards a truly progressive future. And Clinton, for all her faults would likely have continued this.

Since there was a general belief that things are slowly getting more Progressively better, all the left needed to do was wait. Now, the retrograde right saw exactly the opposite. And put up a good fight and won this particular election.

If any good comes out of this debacle is that the Left sees that sitting down and waiting for change is never an option. We need to always push our politicians to do the best they can. And always push for a better future. Because when we don’t, someone else will and it won’t go in the direction we want it to.


I’ve thought about it being an eyesight thing, too, but there is a Palmer Report video where they do show him reading (not very well) off of stuff and he never has glasses on. They claim his reading level is very low, which seems credible to me.