Steve Bannon marks Trump for death

I didn’t realize how much I hope he’s buried next to her mom. That might amuse Ivanka, right? I can dream…

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That or a martyr. :man_shrugging:t4:

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And the line to piss on his grave will stretch for miles. The hugest line ever.


For a family in the “dishing it out” business, they don’t seem to be so good at “taking it” :thinking:


It’s counterintuitive, but for those prone to “dishing it out”, “taking it” is something they are utterly unequipped for.

Also: Sorry, bOing bOing, but Crikey is my new favorite website based on name alone.

Wait, what was that? Shit, Wonkette is at the door! Hide!


You had me at “Bannon on Alex Jones.”

I see lots of posts about that guy being the target here and what it means, but I think that’s reading this wrong.

Everything they say is projection.

He’s clearly saying that political assassination is a tool on the table.

I’m not worried about MAGA attacking themselves. The worry is they’ve made any attack on a politician an acceptable and valid response. (More than they already had previously.) They are saying the other guy will do it, so it’s ok for them to do it too. Expect to see more targeted violence against specific politicians MAGA disagrees with.


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