Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/07/06/steve-ditko-co-creator-of-spi.html
And one of my personal favorites, no Squirrel Girl.
Ok. Bourdain for me culinarily speaking is Ditko for me as an artist.
I can’t.
2018 fucking sucks.
The medium lost a genius today.


Don’t forget, October 16, 1965 was “A Tribute to Dr Strange”, with the biggest San Francisco bands performing, and really the start of so much of it. People came back from the summer out of town at the Red Dog saloon, and started putting on dances, just as Bill Graham, business manager for the SF Mime Troupe, started some benefits for the Troupe, the success so great that he started producing rock shows. Oddly, the Acid Tests didn’t start until after the Tribute.
So the counterculture did embrace Doctor Strange soon after his comic first appeared.
Besides his obvious creations, The Creeper was such a fun, goofy character with just the right touch of menace.
I hope he enjoyed his life. I got a lot of fun out of his early work. Plus without Mr A (who I didn’t warm to), some of the weirdness would probably have gone out of the Nemesis the Warlock Strip which satirized Mr A’s worldview and visuals in its early issues.
Holy hell, it’s starting to seem as if everybody dies.
Where’s this from?
That’s Death, one of the Endless, from Neil Gaiman’s Sandman stories. I forget the title of this one, but Bernie has just died by falling masonry, interrupting his reverie about the smell of mammoths while going to his job as an accountant (IIRC). Bernie had been around for a while.
I like her but Delirium is my heartthrob.
Of course, Ditko had a dirty little secret. He was an Objectivist. (Written by a libertarian communist.)
Currently on loan from the Library of Congress to the Museum of Pop Culture in Seattle: original origin story artwork. Here is the first drawing of Spider-Man ever:
(also @Nelsie)
As someone else said already, it’s Death. The source is issue 43 of the Sandman comic by Neil Gaiman, which is also chapter 3 of the “Sandman: Brief Lives” collection.
@Nelsie, @Glaurung, @Melizmatic - thanks!
Unlike most famous Objectivists (including their chain-smoking prophet), Ditko walked the walk as well as talked the talk for the most part. An effort to avoid the hypocrisy that most high-profile and wealthy Randroids fall into is likely the reason he was a recluse who eschewed the fame and money that came along with the Marvel movies.
Cool. Kinda wish they would unmat it more so we can see the margins.